Saturday, April 14, 2012

Not growing facial hair!? doctors please?

I am 23 and grow very little facial hair(i look like a boy!) and I dont know why! I grow some above my lip, on my chin, and sideburns area but those areas never fill out so I cant even grow a goatee without it looking weak. i not sure if its my T levels because I had a bad case of acne till my late teens, which I had to take accutane for just to get rid of. i am also 6'3 and 140 (really skinny), does a high metabolism affect facial hair growth?? all the guys in my family can all grow full beards. my dad, brother, 2 cousins (one of which is only 19 and everyone says he looks older than me), my uncles. everyone except me! is 23 to late to give up hope on growing facial hair??? i have always been a late bloomer when it came to armpit hair and stuff but 23 seems late even for me. what do you think? and please dont say I should be happy to not grow facial hair and how girls dont like facial hair. obviously i am not happy about my facial hair and would give anything to get it! thanks a lot!

Not growing facial hair!? doctors please?

It could either be because you aren't eating enough, or you just simply weren't meant to have facial hair. Some people go all of their lives without ever growing a beard or having a strand of facial hair. Everyone is different. Just be happy with the genetics you do have. You are tall, 6 3? Jesus Christ! Be proud and happy for that! Most people today would kill for that height and your slim figure. You do not need a beard to be complete or to be a man. Love yourself for who you are and what you have been given. No one is the same.

Not growing facial hair!? doctors please?

Be thankful you don't need to shave a lot. I have a 5 o'clock shadow right after I shave. It's a pain in the ***.

Not growing facial hair!? doctors please?

You could have just gotten a gene that prevents you from growing normal amounts of facial hair. You could probably buy some cream or shampoo that helps men grow more hair.

Not growing facial hair!? doctors please?

Just the way God made i am afraid but look at the plus points you save a fortune on razor blades

Not growing facial hair!? doctors please?

There can be a gene in your family somewhere, that doesn't promote hair growth. Don't stress over it too much. Anything unnatural is unlikely to work. Give it time, and if you don't see results, then just accept yourself. Hey if it doesn't work out you don't have to shave.

Not growing facial hair!? doctors please?

You need more testosterone production. You can either get it injected or you can eat stuff that help you produce more male characteristics such as anabolic steroid.

Not growing facial hair!? doctors please?

good grief man have you no shame

Not growing facial hair!? doctors please?

Have you ever been diagnosed with Marfan's Syndrome (partial or otherwise)? At 6'3" and 140 pounds, it sounds like something you should look into. This could also be the cause of your lack of facial hair.

While this is only a possible cause and not a solution, it is still something that I would recommend looking into as Marfan's Syndrome can carry other much more serious complications. My only advice for the facial hair would be to start taking multivitamins, drinking lots of water, and working out. Look into possibly trying creatine supplements too, it could help.

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