Saturday, April 14, 2012

Facial hair or not?? FEMALE OPINION REQUIRED.?

i have a bit of facial hair just a bit of mustache and a bit on my chin and well my hair is kinda long. its my first tiem ive kept my hair long and facial hair its been liek this for a whiel now and i was thinking about shaving it becasue people say i look like johnny depp and with facial hair and long hair i dont look as youthful. my mom the stylist agrees sayign johnny depp looks better clean and since i resemble him i woudl aswell and specialy since i am only 17. but heck its my mother. so what do you think shoudl io shave my facial hair off or not?

Facial hair or not?? FEMALE OPINION REQUIRED.?

If you have a slim, long face - you would look much better without any facial hair.

If you have a rounder, fuller face - let yourself grow a goatee.

Facial hair or not?? FEMALE OPINION REQUIRED.?

I love scruffiness! Sooo Adorable.

17 as well

Facial hair or not?? FEMALE OPINION REQUIRED.?

shave it off, i h8 facial hair on a guy!


-kaitlyns mom

Facial hair or not?? FEMALE OPINION REQUIRED.?

yea. and learn to spell

Facial hair or not?? FEMALE OPINION REQUIRED.?

I think he looks better with it...i hate clean cut.

Facial hair or not?? FEMALE OPINION REQUIRED.?

no mustache shave it but chin hair is hot !

Facial hair or not?? FEMALE OPINION REQUIRED.?

Johnny Depp is hot...just cut the hair.

Facial hair or not?? FEMALE OPINION REQUIRED.?

ummm..............maybe a beard not definetly not a mustache

Facial hair or not?? FEMALE OPINION REQUIRED.?

Your mom probably knows what looks better on you. If ur 17 shave it. I prefer cleaner cut unless you can grow something full. Im not a big fan of the teenage mustach or chin hair.

Facial hair or not?? FEMALE OPINION REQUIRED.?

Mustaches are for pedophiles. Shave it!

I think a clean shaven face looks amazing with long hair!!

Facial hair or not?? FEMALE OPINION REQUIRED.?

I think u should keep it and cut ur hair

Facial hair or not?? FEMALE OPINION REQUIRED.?

Maybe if I knew what you look like, but I don't. So I'm just saying, go for it. Shave it off.

Facial hair or not?? FEMALE OPINION REQUIRED.?

I don't know what you look like so saying definatively either way would be challenging. Listen to your mom, if she has a career as a stylist, she is not "just your mom" but she also is giving you what sounds like an honest professional opinion. Facial hair however, generally speaking, does tend to make guys look scruffier and older. I'd say shave it off.

Facial hair or not?? FEMALE OPINION REQUIRED.?

hmmm i think guys look better with no facial hair but thats just my opinion although some can pull it off however there are some gilr sout there who love facial hair

Facial hair or not?? FEMALE OPINION REQUIRED.?

I'm a girl, I think you should shave it off. And hey, hair grows!

I personally don't find long beards or mustaches that attractive. And if you have been growing yours for a while, then I think it's time for a change!

It will get people talking, and it will be like a new start to your life!

Okay, I went a little over board, but you know what I mean!

Hope that helped!

Facial hair or not?? FEMALE OPINION REQUIRED.?

eww! mustachios are gross

Facial hair or not?? FEMALE OPINION REQUIRED.?

i wouldn't shave it off but would try to wax it at a salon. you could dye it blonde, but sometimes if it is to blonde, it is even more noticable! so i would wax it! good luck! ur beautiful!


o yea! if someone says something bad to u, smack them and say it was from alyssa!

Facial hair or not?? FEMALE OPINION REQUIRED.?

i'm a 17 year old girl on my cousins account, i don't like facial hair on younger guys, you have your whole life to look older and have facial hair (that you won't want then)

Facial hair or not?? FEMALE OPINION REQUIRED.?

I hate facial hair. I like it smooth and clean shaven.

facial hair hurts when it's all prickly, and it makes you look dirty.

Mustaches remind me of child molesters. i hate mustaches

Facial hair or not?? FEMALE OPINION REQUIRED.?

Yes. It's great you have hair on your face its very manly for your age. But no girls like to kiss a guy with a mustach. It doesnt feel the best. Also if its long you likely look like you don't own a mirror. So shave it off or trim it up good

Facial hair or not?? FEMALE OPINION REQUIRED.?

a lot of people tell me that it depends on the facial structure, as for me i have facial hair a goatee and people say i look weird without it. lol

Facial hair or not?? FEMALE OPINION REQUIRED.?

It depends on if you want to. Do you like your facial hair or not? It doesn't matter what anybody says. Plus, Johnny Depp is a great actor! It's a good thing if you look like him!

Facial hair or not?? FEMALE OPINION REQUIRED.?

clean shaven! but sometimes a five o clock shadow turns some girls on.

Facial hair or not?? FEMALE OPINION REQUIRED.?

shave shave shave

Facial hair or not?? FEMALE OPINION REQUIRED.?

Well some girls like it and most girls love smooth baby faces! My family all the women love smooth baby faces! try it! you'll get a date in no time!

Facial hair or not?? FEMALE OPINION REQUIRED.?

well, try the clean look. If you hate it, you can always let it grow out again.

Facial hair or not?? FEMALE OPINION REQUIRED.?

keep the little bit on your chin but PLEASE shave off the mustache. no girls like mustaches o ya and im 16 so im pretty much your age.

Facial hair or not?? FEMALE OPINION REQUIRED.?

You're too young to sport facial hair like that.

I would shave it.

Facial hair or not?? FEMALE OPINION REQUIRED.?

Listen to your mom since she knows your face and what does or does not look good on you. Some women like facial hair, others do not. I say, it's your face and your hair - do what YOU like. My mom was a hair stylist too so I'm sure she has told you many times that "It's just hair - it grows back!" which to me has always meant, try new things. I just colored mine from light blonde (natural) to jet black last night - my stylist likes that I never keep the same style and I never tell her what I want. Like your mom, as a stylist, they know what looks best on you. I should have saved all this typing and just stopped with the first sentence. Listen to your mom! =)

Facial hair or not?? FEMALE OPINION REQUIRED.?

clean shaven

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