Monday, April 16, 2012

Facial Hair!!!!!!!!!!?

I have disgusting looking facial hair and my mom wont let me wax or pluck it until im 16. i cant wait 2 years! any advice on convincing her or any other ideas at all??? i use jolen hair bleacher but its still noticable. what do i do?

Facial Hair!!!!!!!!!!?

What are your mom's fears and objections? Why is she asking you to wait until you are 16?

Write down your understanding of her side %26amp; then write down your reasons for wanting to wax your upper lip. Try to overcome her objections w/ facts %26amp; re-assure her if she has worries about you maturing too fast, etc. Think through what you are going to say %26amp; then ask to talk to her about the subject. Choose a quiet time when you both are relaxed.

By demonstrating that you have listened to her %26amp; researched some ideas yourself, you will demonstrate some maturity and may be able to convince her to let you try other methods.

Here are some links about hair removal options to help you get started:

I recommend threading %26amp; then waxing. Never shave your upper lip - it will make your hair look bristley.

Facial Hair!!!!!!!!!!?

try bleaching it.

Facial Hair!!!!!!!!!!?

Cry and refuse to go to school- that's what I did when my mom won't let me shave my legs. I was in 5th grade and I was soo hairy it was embarrassing. I started plucking before she even knew about it- I just bought my own teezers for $1.00 and did it- I won't have had a one eyebrow if I didn't!!!

LOL- I am 30 now!!

Facial Hair!!!!!!!!!!?

do it behind her back =)

Facial Hair!!!!!!!!!!?

Tell her you're embarrassed and ask if she'll take you for electrolysis. Over time the hair will be permanently removed unlike waxing or plucking. If she says no, use little scissors to keep it short if the hairs are long.

Facial Hair!!!!!!!!!!?

get sally hansen hair remover cream.

Facial Hair!!!!!!!!!!?

should use appilators ( hair cutters ) like Braun or go to doctor

it works better!!

Facial Hair!!!!!!!!!!?

nair has a facial hair remover and its not wax or plucking simply apply wait a couple of minutes and wipe away completely harmless if that doesnt persuade her just pluck it yourself i mean do you really wanna look like a willa beast

Facial Hair!!!!!!!!!!?

Get a depilatory cream like Nair and just do it in secret during your ordinary shower/grooming ritual. (Be careful if you have sensitive skin, ALWAYS test a patch of skin on your arm or something before putting it on your face). Ordinarily I'd say be up front about it, but it's your hair and you don't want it.

Facial Hair!!!!!!!!!!?


moms mean well. It used to be the thought that if you shaved/plucked too soon it would make it grow in faster, so some are still hesitant to allow their daughters to start hair removal. You need to talk with you mom about how it makes you feel, that you are embarrased and it alienates you from your friends.

Be careful with the bleach-and the Nair-it could really damage your young skin. Electrolysis is painful and expensive. The beauty store-Like Sally Beauty Supply- sells little containers of wax for sensitve skin-its made by GiGi. Its called "tweezerless wax for sensitive skin". You melt it in the microwave and put it on where you want the hair to be reomoved from--rip it off and no more hair! I have to do it a few times-but it doies work. You may swell a little, but I put cool water on it and no makeup for a bit-like overnight and I am fine the next day.

I can understand how you feel-I have had very thick black hair on my legs, armpits and lip for years! My mom did not let me shave either-and so I did anyway and it was a mess!!

If you do this behind your mother's back, she will not trust you so you need to think about how you want to do handle it. You have to just try and talk with her and get her on your side-ask if she ever felt different or alienated from people? tell her that is how you feel now and how much it means to you and you need her support. The more you talk sensibly without drama and hysterics the more she will be apt to listen. Ask her to just help you try this-the wax is safe as long as you don't heat it too much-follow the directions to the letter!!

Its possible too that your mom may not be ready to let you grow up. Lip waxing and shaving is a definite sign of that! Ask her exactly why she is against this. Maybe try to show more responsibility with household stuff or homework, etc. and show her that you are growing up, ready or not! You will work through it in the best possible way.

Good Luck with this! I hope this helps

: )


Facial Hair!!!!!!!!!!?

just go wax it or doit at home its no big deal

Facial Hair!!!!!!!!!!?

how embarrassing..and if your 14 and wait 2 more years..your going to have a full beard by then..thats a tuff to your mom more about it..let her know how you really feel.

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