Monday, April 16, 2012

Women - - Facial hair stubble?

My wife says my facial hair stubble hurts when we kiss (even when it's only 6 or 8 hours after I've shaved). It puts her out of the mood for any closeness. My facial hair doesn't grow out of the ordinary. I find myself shaving all of the time now in case we were to happen to get close. Is she making excuses, should she get over this, do I need to keep shaving all the time, or is there another alternative?

Women - - Facial hair stubble?

I have to agree sometimes facial can hurt pretty bad. But something doesn't sound right..... What happened to loving unconditionally! i would have to eventually stand my ground and let her know that nothing is making her happy.

Women - - Facial hair stubble?

she may be making excuses, but i know for me my husbands facial hair irritates my skin. Hard to explain but i would keep shaving that way she don't have that same excuse to use if she's not in the mood.

Women - - Facial hair stubble?

It does hurt sometimes. It's never put me out of the mood. My husband has a full beard at the moment and its nice and soft.....very kissable.

Women - - Facial hair stubble?

my husband facial hair sometimes irritates my skin..i.e. making it red and kinda sore. It shouldn't be that big of a deal definatley doesn't make me get outta the mood.

Women - - Facial hair stubble?

I think she is making excuses. My husband's hair grows pretty fast, and it is scratchy, but unless he is rubbing his face on my face, it doesn't hurt to kiss him. Yes I can feel the stubbles, even a few hours after he shaves, but they aren't painful. If she wanted to kiss you and be intimate, she would be.

I can see if you haven't shaven for a day or two, but if you find yourself shaving every couple of hours then there is a problem with her.

Women - - Facial hair stubble?

She is NOT making up excuses it really does hurt when it's stabbing u, it can really piss one off! Trust me it is a major turn off. I couldn't stand it w/ my husband, it really does hurt to be stabbed by it!

Women - - Facial hair stubble?

Well I have EXTREMELY sensitive skin so it hurts me. But I have used it as an excuse just to keep him off me.

Women - - Facial hair stubble?

Yeah, facial hair stubble does hurt and cause redness. My 'hairy faced' guy grew a mustache and goatee; seemed to do the trick; it is now soft.

But - the stubble that still grows around it won't stop me from being in the mood.

Women - - Facial hair stubble?

My H2B shaves once a day and yes when he has stubble it does irritate my skin but it doesn't turn me off to being close to him. We just joke about it and laugh afterwords.

She might be making excuses, maybe ask her why it bothers her so much (other than the obvious). Ask her what she wants you to do about it, most likely she wont be able to think of anything better b/c you're doing all you can right now. I think that's pretty sweet of you to even consider. Let me tell you, if I asked my H2B to shave more often during the day he'd laugh at me. :o) I wouldn't ask him to tho. It's a SMALL thing in someones life (relationship) to worry about.

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