Monday, April 16, 2012


Hi, im almost 20 and I can grow a mustache, the hair just below my lip, and chin hair. I can also grow side burns. But the problem is none of it's thick enough. I mean its not super thin or anything. Also it is very lite in color, so its harder to see from a distance. I heard that shaving makes more hair grow is a myth. Also I heard facial hair comes from genetics. My moms dad and brother have the thickest beards ever, but my dad can only grow a what I can but his is darker and thicker. All I know is this really sucks. I see 16 year olds with fuller facial hair than me! Is there anything I can do?


You might try supplements to naturally increase your testosterone, such as l-glutamine, but genetics are a hard thing to overcome. Talk to an endocrinologist if this seriously bothers you.


You can stop obsessing over this problem. I know its a problem for you. I was the same way until I was in my mid-20's.

You want facial hair, but that isn't who you are. My brother can't even grow a full beard (nor has he ever been able to) and he is now almost 70. I have been growing full bushy beards since in my mid-20's. But when I was a teenager and early 20's there wasn't much happening except over my lip.

Be happy with who you are and what you have. I promise you, there is a girl (or woman) out there who would prefer a man with less hair.


Mate, some men are naturally hairy others are never going to grow a decent beard. THat's genetics for you!


As for my experience, shaving to grow facial hair is not a myth.

Before when i was at the age of 18, i tried shaving my chin

until it grew. And then i wanted to have a beard. I shaved

my cheeks (just on the sides near the ears). It took a long time before i noticed the results. And now its fully grown.

Just don't expect to get results soon. Patience.


i think you get hairier with age


It could be your facial hair will never be full or it could be it's just taking its time...I personally cant grow side burns to save my life.. My mustache is really puny as well.. some guys take a while longer... some never grow thick even if their family patterns suggest it should.

I'm tempted to say it will just need a bit more time..

I am 29 and still finding my facial hair growth pattern to be changing.


Unfortunately patience is the key. But perhaps you can grow something respectable if you give yourself a couple of months. Try it. The guys at the beardboard can help.

And yes, it is absolutely a myth that shaving helps. It's an illusion due to the way the hairs are cut off. Those that claim otherwise just went through the normal maturing process. I never shaved my stache and it came it very fast. My friend shaved every day from age 12 to make it grow faster, but it didn't get decent until he was 17. If it helped, he would have had a stache at 13.

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