Wednesday, April 18, 2012

When will I start growing facial hair?

I'm a 15 year old guy. I'm almost 16 (three months away). All I have is a peach fuzz mustache with a few brown hairs. I have no real beard hairs anywhere on my face. I was wondering when it will come in, most likely. I started puberty about 4 years ago which is also around when I got pubic hair. My armpit and leg hair came in about 2 years ago. I've actually gotten a few chest hairs, which is quite weird for my age. I say all that because that may have to do with when my facial hair will start to grow.

I'm mostly anxious because my best friend (who is 6 months younger than me) has had a full (and I mean FULL) beard for almost a year, and it feels weird that he has tons of facial hair and I have none.

Please compare when you (the guys obviously) went through each of the stages and give me an estimate of when I'll get facial hair.

Thank you for taking the time to read my question and respond to it.

When will I start growing facial hair?

everyone is different.

check out the forums on my link, they can help you a lot.

When will I start growing facial hair?

well it's different for every guy.

i'm sixteen and i started shaving about a year and a half ago. i could probably grow a full beard if i wanted to. if you have peach fuzz now, you'll probably end up shaving in a year or so, maybe sooner. but you can't put an exact date on these things.

don't worry if it's a while off though. you're not weird.

When will I start growing facial hair?

There is no formula for this kid. Everyone is different. You may never have a thick beard. You may only be able to grow a goutee or just sideburns....who knows. Many men just take what they have and make what they have look the best it can. The thickness of facial hair can really bloom late, even in your 20's sometimes. Don't grow that thin wispy moustache though, I'd shave it until you have the "five 'oclock shadow" going on.

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