Monday, April 16, 2012

Ladies, your opinions on facial hair, please?

Suppose you were dating a man ("light-skinned" African-American with tight but not "kinky" curls or perhaps some other ethnicity with similar complexion and hair texture) with very coarse, tightly curling facial hair. Which would you choose if the decision was yours:

1. He shaves very closely every day so as to have a silky smooth face. But because of this, he regularly has facial eruptions, scarring, and ingrown hairs, because the hairs grow back in on themselves.

2. He grows a beard and keeps it neatly trimmed. But because of this, he is often mistaken for Middle Eastern (read: "terrorist") and is generally treated with suspicion. Particularly bad when he travels by air and gets strip searched.

3. He shaves twice daily, but with an electric that is precisely tuned so as not to shave too close, thus avoiding the ingrown hairs. he usually has a faint "shadow" and while his skin feels smooth if caressed downward, it feels somewhat rough upward.

4. Dump him for a guy who

Ladies, your opinions on facial hair, please?

I tend to like facial hair on most men, but even if I preferred a clean shaven face, because he suffers from eruptions, scarring and ingrown hairs, option 1 is out of the question, for me. I don't think that all that discomfort is really worth it.

2 doesn't bother me as much as it would some people, since realistically, discrimination exists either way, and if it isn't for one aspect, it would probably be for another, towards anyone, for anything.

3 doesn't bother me at all either, a faint shadow is quite sexy on some men, as is a neatly trimmed beard, in my opinion.

*chuckling at options 4 and 5*

Facial hair would be the last thing on my mind if considering a break-up. In that situation, I think that there are far more important things to be concerned about than if he shaves his face or not, and the effects. :-)

So, my preferences are 2 and/or 3.

But ultimately, it should be the way he likes it best, since it is his hair and he should feel good and satisfied about the way he maintains it, I would not want to take that away from him.

Ladies, your opinions on facial hair, please?

i know its shallow but with my preferences, i would dump him cause beards aren't my style

Ladies, your opinions on facial hair, please?

2.) Two seems the sexiest. note the most convienient for the guy though especially if he travels a lot.

Ladies, your opinions on facial hair, please?

Anyone who would prefer their partner to suffer ingrown hairs ~ which can lead to a lot of skin problems and even infections ~ rather than have facial hair is asking an awful lot.

I'd prefer my partner to be comfortable, and healthy.

Cheers :-)

PS: Just read the travel thing, made me laugh. I'm a 'target' person at the airport, always have to go to one side, unpack, remove shoes, etc. My ex-boss also fits some weird 'profile' and has actually been strip searched several times! He's so respectable it is a huge laugh, but not very nice for him. He's clean shaven, lol, but has taken to arriving an hour early for flights, to leave time for the 'search'.

Ladies, your opinions on facial hair, please?

Personally I find facial hair attractive if it is kept neat and tidy. I think it gives a person character. My father who was mixed race always had a moustache and my husband has had a well trimmed beard and moustache since the day I met him. IMO you don't get much sexier than him. Of course that is only my opinion.

He grew a beard because of a sensitive skin issue as well. My one son always has a scruff which I think looks atrocious but apparently is quite hot at least with his late teen age group girl buddies.

Ladies, your opinions on facial hair, please?

I'd be fine with however he kept his beard. I'm pretty indifferent about the whole facial hair thing; as long as it suits him and it's cared for, I'm attracted to it.

If he was prone to breakouts, I'd probably discourage him from shaving so close. It's obviously too hard on his skin. I'd tell him to opt for more stubble. (And I'd probably prefer it)

Edit: I'm sure you'd look great with a close trimmed beard, Gnu. ;)

Ladies, your opinions on facial hair, please?

a goatee is acceptable, but no full beards!! *unless its Conan O'brien!!!* ahah lol

anyway, other than that, they can only have goatees.

Ladies, your opinions on facial hair, please?

I prefer facial hair, but he should do what he wants.

Ladies, your opinions on facial hair, please?

I know this sounds vain, but I'm not into beards.

Ladies, your opinions on facial hair, please?

Haha...aww..I'm sorry

I think 2 is ridiculously funny so if my man liked his beard then I would have no problem with that; screw the goverment's stupid policies

But I also like option number three; the five o'clock shadow can be sensual sometimes. With the right girl, I don't think one would have to worry about the downwards/upwards whatever, it would all be taken care of...

Ladies, your opinions on facial hair, please?

facial hair isn't a big consideration when I'm dating someone. If I like them, it really doesn't matter too much what they choose to do. But #3 especially appeals to me simply because I like that "shadow" look. I find it very handsome. I would never break up with someone because they choose not to shave, nor would I reject someone initially for their facial hair or lack thereof.

Ladies, your opinions on facial hair, please?

I can't really say I know from this what I would do. Frankly, his looks are his business and it would depend on how well I knew him and how long we'd been together.

Ladies, your opinions on facial hair, please?

I would make it his choice, of course. But if he insisted I choose, I would say #2. I mean, sorry about the strip search and all, but the texture of a beard is niiiiiiice.

Ladies, your opinions on facial hair, please?

I would let him decide what to do about the facial hair. As for getting mistaken as Middle Eastern. Don't worry about that. My husband is an American of Middle Eastern descent, and has never been singled out for additional screening, thanks to our government's idiotic ban on racial profiling. My great-aunt, who is white, 96 years old, and in a wheel chair has been. I know I feel safer in the air, now that she's been o.k.'d by the TSA.

Ladies, your opinions on facial hair, please?

damn gurl! if you like him you would just wax his face so its as soft as a baby's butt, but without the ingrown hairs. and then put 'oil of oil in the face so it's even more like a baby's butt.

Ladies, your opinions on facial hair, please?

3 please.

I hate full on beards, but a bit of stubbly-ness is the SEXIEST.

Ladies, your opinions on facial hair, please?

I would suggest he sees a dermatologist.

Ladies, your opinions on facial hair, please?

i cant stand beards they look dirty.

Ladies, your opinions on facial hair, please?

Now who might this "light-skinned" African-American man with tight but not "kinky" curls be, Gnu baby?

I like a little stubble, with maybe a few slightly longer hairs just along the jawline. There's no fun in kissing a guy whose face is too smooth.

Ladies, your opinions on facial hair, please?

Gnu, my brother is a discerning gentleman's barber specialising in traditional shaves. Ingrown hairs are the result of poor shaving technique and going against the grain of growth. This is difficult to avoid with commercial shaving tools, but a barber is not always on hand. A sharp blade, hot water and lather with a brush is the best medicine.

To answer the question, a man such as you describe should get to know a good barber and develop a shaving relationship, shave differently or go bearded.

If I haven't said anything constructive, discount my opinion. ; )

Ladies, your opinions on facial hair, please?

I was hoping my answer would have posted before my internet booted me off. ;(

I'll try again...

The gist of my answer was this: Gnu darling, choose the one that works best for you. The one that feels the most comfortable to you. ;) I don't know think that there are any women that would choose 4 or 5 if it was their man. #3 would be the most comfortable choice and the one where you won't be burdened by the ignorance of airport security. #2 Would probably look better and more well-groomed.

Ladies, your opinions on facial hair, please?

number three, i think it would be the most comfortable and healthy for him unless he likes being strip searched at the airport.

Ladies, your opinions on facial hair, please?

Simply put, I LOVE facial hair (and of all degrees- neatly shaven or shaggy.) I don't caer if you are black, white, purple, red, or green. I don't know why, but I am fascinated by facial hair and it's a turn on for me. I always like it when my BF grows out his beard.

Ladies, your opinions on facial hair, please?

The decision should not be mine. Shadow (3) would solve most problems.

(1) would require more care than he is willing to take.

(2) strip searches might become a chance for anti-establishment demonstrations. Grin and Bare it.

Some look better, some not so good, with beards.

I believe facial hair makes a man look older, by as much as ten years. (great for a youngster who wants to be taken seriously)

(4) and (5): worthless woman.

I would not dump someone I cared about because of his beard problems. I would dump him if he didn't shower.

C. :)

Ladies, your opinions on facial hair, please?

I'm leaning more toward #3...............%26lt;smiling%26gt;.

Ladies, your opinions on facial hair, please?

#2 or #3 are both fine! I tend to think some facial hair makes a guy look handsome!!

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