Saturday, April 14, 2012

Facial hair/Girls/ I have never had facial hair but now this Mustache is really annoying please help

hello I have a little mustache i dont know how to remove it because i never had any facial hair

its really embarrassing i can't ask anyone of my family

and my bf doesnt even see it! i tell him i have mustache he looks deep and then sees nothing!

Facial hair/Girls/ I have never had facial hair but now this Mustache is really annoying please help me!?


you have hair all over your body look closely in magnifying mirror. but sure you cant see the "mustache" . If you are that concerned but wax and wax strips.

But never raise a razor to your face.

Facial hair/Girls/ I have never had facial hair but now this Mustache is really annoying please help me!?

i shave mine...every 2-3 weeks...and im good...

Facial hair/Girls/ I have never had facial hair but now this Mustache is really annoying please help me!?

I would say use a facial wax. If you shave it, it will grow back even thicker. you could even go to a dermatoligist to get a lazer treatment that would send a shock to the hair folicle so that it won't grow back for a long time. I have the same problem, so I just try not to focus on that part of my face since no one else seems to.

Facial hair/Girls/ I have never had facial hair but now this Mustache is really annoying please help me!?

You could wax. shave or pluck take your pick - a lot of women have mustaches

Facial hair/Girls/ I have never had facial hair but now this Mustache is really annoying please help me!?

well if it bother's u that much u can either get it bleached ( with facial bleach) get it waxed or threaded (hindu hair removing technique).

what ever u do- please don't shave it off.

Facial hair/Girls/ I have never had facial hair but now this Mustache is really annoying please help me!?

I'm on a tight budget so I buy a facial bleach kit at the store (Jolen's, Sally Hansen, etc.) and just bleach it once a month at home. If I had the cash I would have it waxed. With mine it would probably have to be done once a month. Depends on how dark and thick yours is. If your bf doesn't seem to notice, you could try the home bleach kit and see what you think. My husband is the same way, he doesn't seem to mind either way.

Good luck to you!

Facial hair/Girls/ I have never had facial hair but now this Mustache is really annoying please help me!?

I have facial hair too, and it's not only's downright depressing.

Please DO NOT shave your mustache......the hair will only continue to grow back thicker and faster. Instead, use a hair remover product such as nair that is specifically for upper-lip hair. Afterwards, use a skin-soothing lotion to enrich the newly dried out skin and tone down any redness or discomfort.

Another big option is to have your hair removed with a laser treatment. It might be expensive, but the hair will permanently removed with a few treatments or so. This procedure is only for 18+ people, so if you are under 18 I would just reccommend nair.

Hope this was helpful. :)

Facial hair/Girls/ I have never had facial hair but now this Mustache is really annoying please help me!?

well if you go buy some hair remover and use it a couple of times a week than your mustashe will start to fade slowly but surely. you know the hair will still be there but what the hair remover does is lighten the growth of the hair and eventually you wont be able to see it.

Facial hair/Girls/ I have never had facial hair but now this Mustache is really annoying please help me!?

Just wax it and if others don't notice it, it can't be that bad.

But if it really is I would wax it if I were you then it won't grow back for a while!

But maybe you don't have a mustache everyone has hair there some it is just more noticeable like people with dark hair.

Facial hair/Girls/ I have never had facial hair but now this Mustache is really annoying please help me!?

I have a light/thin mustache, you don't really notice it, but I know it's there. It's not that bad for me because I've gotten over that stage you're now in. I wanted to wax it then because people laughed at me saying that i had one. But then I don't wnat to think the consequences after and how it might turn out. Because if you wax it and people noticed it before, then I guess it's obvious something is missing now. But I don't boyfirend gave me confidence not to change. So I still have's getting a bit lighter as I'm getting older though! One suggestion I could give you is to talk to your mom or your bestfriend about it. They can be really supportive about it too. Don't dye it because you'll still see it in the sun! Goodluck 8)

Facial hair/Girls/ I have never had facial hair but now this Mustache is really annoying please help me!?

If there's not too much of it, do you really need to do anything? Most guys are OK about women with, for example, a slight moustache.

If you do decide you have to do something, then be sure to look very carefully at all the options, because there's a lot of inaccurate information around.

Facial (and also body) hair on women comes about in the same way as on men because of

1) your body being sensitized, before you were even born, to testosterone -- doesn't happen to all girls, but does to many

2) your body producing high levels of testosterone

The growth rate and coarseness of the hair depends on just how much testosterone is circulating in your bloodstream.

Steer clear of bleaching -- when someone sees you against the light you'll look as if you have a glowing moustache and/or beard.

As far as removing it is concerned it's worth remembering that

* Waxing, plucking, threading, epilating all pull the hair out by the roots and where the growth is hormonally-driven can actually stimulate a dormant follicle into producing more hair quicker. They also distort the root if done repeatedly, leading to hair growing at strange angles. And you've got to let the hair grow to quite a length before you can repeat the exercise. It can also damage the skin and discolor it. Long-term use of waxing also causes bad wrinkles.

* Chemical depilatories strong enough to remove the hair are very likely to burn the skin, cause swelling and cause long-term discoloration of the skin.

* Laser is also liable to cause burning and discoloration and in any case only works effectively on a dark hair/light skin combinantion.

* Electrolysis is very liable to cause scarring and discoloration of the skin.

Which, like it or not, leaves shaving which does not damage the skin. Best done with a men's-style electric razor, the best of which, for women, are probably those from the men's range of Norelco razors (Philishave outside the US). Most women who try a men's Norelco wonder why nobody ever told them about it before.

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