Monday, April 16, 2012

Why doesn't my facial hair grow?

I have little to no facial hair on my face, I always grow out a little facial hair (it's a very small amount and spotty, which means doesn't grow EVERYWHERE just certain spots)

Is this normal?

When will I begin to grow lots of facial hair?

Also, I have "curly" facial hair instead of prickly straight facial hair, does this have something to do with my race?

thanks in advance

Why doesn't my facial hair grow?

Lack of facial hair has to do with a lot primary hormones (male) or could be heredity. You say your hair is curly so it may seem as though your hair is going very slow when in fact curly hair grows at the same rate as straight hair. It just looks like it is not as much but it really is.

Why doesn't my facial hair grow?

ok, how old are you? what is your race? do you eat a lot of soy? does you father have facial hair?.....these could help us answer better

Why doesn't my facial hair grow?

ummm, just be glad you dont have to shave everyday...dont worry, when you get older it will come...

Why doesn't my facial hair grow?

Just keep shaving, but remember,not all males can grow full beards. I also thought "hair" was out!

Mention your race so you may get more informed answers!

Why doesn't my facial hair grow?

well what is you race. Second, your age has something to do with it too, have you supass the puberty stages yet . I learned in my bio class that facial hair kicks in around 13-17ish. BUt if you are a older guy, you may not be producing enough hormones to promote growth( facial hair that is). It could also be in your genes. The reason hair grown out differently is because, some people hair poars is slanted and some are straight, meaning some poars( the little holes in your scalp) doen not stick straight out or up but sometines slanted which makes your hair grows in that direction and curl. For hair not growing in certain spaces. you follicles may be damaged or more than likely, it may never grow. I know people who like to shave designes in their beards and like lines and stuff and it is hard because spaces are missing and makes the lines look broken or sloppyish. So i know what you are trying to say. but good luck with that. like I said if you have had hair for a while and you are older, it probably will never grow out fully.

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