Monday, April 16, 2012

My facial hair color?

Im a 15 year old guy and I dont have a beard yet. I would like to know what color it will probably come in. I have dark blonde hair on the top of my head, dark brown hair on my legs, pubes chest hair (yes I've started getting chest hair already : ( it sucks), and my belly hair are all dark brown. My armpit hair is brown, so what color will my facial hair probably turn out to be?

Also my mustache is already turning brown or dark blonde. Im afraid the rest of my beard will be light blonde.

My facial hair color?

Your beard usually is the color of your pubic hair. Its usually darker then your hair color. I'm sure you'll look handsome. It'll grow. Why are you in a hurry to grow up take your time. It'll grow, trust me.

My facial hair color?

it should be the color of your hair.

My facial hair color?

Most likely brown. My facial hair is a bit darker than the hair on my head...I think...

My facial hair color?

most people i know it is usally the same color of the mustache.

My facial hair color?

It could be a toss up.

I had lighter brown hair on my head and that's kind of how my moustache is. Because I maintain a moustache it also bleaches after a while.

My beard is light. I don't let it grow but I can also go without a shave for a couple of days.

Body hair is light to brown.

I think hairless chests are fads.

My facial hair color?

Well. I have dark brown hair. My facial hair comes in partly red and partly dark brown. So there's really no rule of thumb there.

My facial hair color?

You never know for sure. I have dark hair, and I have brothers who grow dark beards. I was hoping to grow one, and I didn't grow much facial hair, and then I find out that half of it is blond. But the hair on my head is dark.

I noticed that my arm and leg hair is also partly blond. I have a grandpa who was blond, so I guess it's in my genotype (genetic code), even if my phenotype (what shows) isn't obviously blond at all. I have some blond nieces and nephews. Who knows.

My facial hair color?

Its a crap shoot.

I have dark blonde hair on the top of my head and black hair everywhere else.

My beard used to be blonde/brown and red. Now its just dirty blonde.

My facial hair color?

my head and body hair is dark brown and down south is black, but my facial hair grows in very light brown w/ reddish tint. you can never really know till it happens...

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