Monday, April 23, 2012

How much facial hair is normal for a woman?

Considering how popular professional waxing, do-it-yourself hair remover and laser treatment is, how much facial hair is normal or are we all hair-phobic. There is obviously a big demand for this. I have heard that European women are quite hairy in comparison. Is there anyone who works in a beauty salon that can shed some light on this and how often are women having treatments?

How much facial hair is normal for a woman?

it's clearly going to be different for every woman, Excess hair can be a sign of ovarian polycystic syndrome which would be worth having investigated by your gp if you feel you may have too much, they'll have to take a blood test first to check your testosterone levels

(my gf has it)

hope this helps

How much facial hair is normal for a woman?

Depends on your nationality (not to be racist, only a fact). The French and Italian women have the most hair and I've seen some that have made men who can't grow a moustache jealous.

How much facial hair is normal for a woman?

her downstairs ally way is alright but arms legs and facials gotta go..

How much facial hair is normal for a woman?

EWWWWWWWWW sorry but that is so nasty and some girls just keep it there like it's attractive or something

How much facial hair is normal for a woman?

Light thin hair on upper lip and small hairs under chin is common, most often getting darker and more common as the woman gets older.

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