Wednesday, April 18, 2012

GIRLS -- Facial Hair question?

I am a teen, and I got a slight facial hair.. As I learned you girls say you dont like facial hair...

Now I'm wondering, does this apply to teens too. Like I have athin black mustache. Should I shave any facial hair I have?

GIRLS -- Facial Hair question?

id say do whatever you feel comfertable in. some teen age boys can carry off facial hair some cant. just try it out and see which one you look better in.

GIRLS -- Facial Hair question?

wax it!

GIRLS -- Facial Hair question?

you can shave it but it would be better to wax it. I mean, it doesn't grow back as thick or as fast. You can attempt to bleach it but that could just complicate things. Just ask your mom to take you to get it waxed or buy wax strips at a store.

GIRLS -- Facial Hair question?


Shaving it will only make the problem worse

It'll make the hair grow back even thicker than it was

Try using special bleaching cream that you can use for facial hair

It bleaches the hair on your face and makes it less noticeable

GIRLS -- Facial Hair question?

yes. girls think mustaches and such (unibrows) are disgusting.

GIRLS -- Facial Hair question?

unless you are legally an adult. i believe it is entirely necessary to shave. boys that are still going through puberty do not need a mustache. do not. ew

GIRLS -- Facial Hair question?

unless you're david beckham or ridiculously drop dead gorgrous looking, get rid of them

GIRLS -- Facial Hair question?

well are you a boy or a girl?

if your a boy then do whatever you like with it. if say its not growing in as much as you like it or too much, you can shave it.

but if your a girl, then id say you should wax it over shaving it.

on a guy, i like goatees. there kinda sexy. but that's just me.

on a girl... facial hair isn't that attractive!

GIRLS -- Facial Hair question?

Shaving hair doesn't make it grow back thicker, it just doesn't last as long as probably waxing or lasering it away.

The growing back thicker thing is an old wives bull story.

GIRLS -- Facial Hair question?

no, i know the type of fine moustache u have, it's fine, don't do anything with it.

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