Friday, April 20, 2012

Female facial hair and natural supplements?

I have facial hair on my chin and neck which i hate, Most of it's blond but there's a fair amount of course dark hair too. I'v had it for years and was wondering if anyone knows of any natural/homeopathic hormone balancing supplements. At the moment i just pluch and wax, but it is getting worse.

Female facial hair and natural supplements?

Stop plucking. Go to Walmart and buy a one touch razor for $10.00. Make a doctor's appointment to have your hormone levels checked, that may be why. If it's a hormone problem then you can use the progesterone cream.

Female facial hair and natural supplements?

I sell natural USP progesterone cream.

Female facial hair and natural supplements?

saw palmetto and sarsparilla see a herbalist for correct dosage

Female facial hair and natural supplements?

Black cohosh, and soy will help alot. about $10 a month at wal mart.

Female facial hair and natural supplements?

i don't know of any other way than electrolysis I started years ago and now only have to have hairs removed once every sixth month .They get finer and weaker as the months go by but never ,never pluck as that splits the roots and one becomes two and also stronger

Female facial hair and natural supplements?

i would advise you to stop plucking Hun, go to your GP and get some hormone replacement tablets. hope it gets better xxxx

Female facial hair and natural supplements?

go to the health food store assk for lydia pinkem pills than look into electralysis.

Female facial hair and natural supplements?

you probably needs some progesterone. It comes in a cream (don't take it in pill form!)-- and it's not just for older women, it's for women in their 20s-60's

Just rub 1/4 teaspoon into your skin for a certain number of days each month. (The label will tell you the number of days per month based on your age and cycle) You can get it at places like WalGreens, or vitamin shops. Make sure it has about 500 USP- it must say USP or it's no good.

Natural Progesterone cream can help restore a woman's hormone levels back to the proper levels. Effectively reducing the amount of facial hair.

When women are experiencing excessive or Estrogen dominant symptoms such as fatigue, sleeplessness, irrability, and weight gain they may simultaneously be experiencing an increase in Testosterone.

The natural progesterone cream is effective at restoring the balance of natural progesterone levels and opposing estrogen dominance effects such as facial hair growth.

Female facial hair and natural supplements?

Are you sure you have a hormone imbalance? Systemic Candida can cause facial hair/body hair growth in women. There is this book I recommend called The Yeast Syndrome. Or you can just do some internet research on Candida. It causes so many things. But I have it and I too have facial/body hair overgrowth, and yet I have increasing hair loss of my scalp. How's your head hair? Anyway, if you think it could be candida causing it (not necessarily vaginal yeast. Systemic candida is intestinal and invades your whole system affecting hormones, immune system, just about everything.) then it's best treated by diet, probiotics (acidophilus,etc.) and anti-fungal herbs, cleansing, etc.

But then again, maybe that's not your problem.

Female facial hair and natural supplements?

Yes you have to get your hormones checked out !

Female facial hair and natural supplements?

stop plucking it. you will look like turkey

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