Saturday, April 14, 2012

Facial hair!!!?????

Have you seen those ladies with facial hair so obvious that you wonder how the heck they walked out not noticing? Is it that they just don't care or don't notice? And should something be said?

Facial hair!!!?????

Chances are, they notice, they just don't care. You ever here that saying that you see things like 100x worse on your own face than what others can actually see? Well if you can see it that bad, then she has to see it. Like I said, she probably just doesn't care. Why would you say something anyways? Its their face.

Facial hair!!!?????

its their life, not yours, they will make their own decisions to do whatever they want, oviously your one of those peole that judge people by the way they look, get a life

Facial hair!!!?????

you are so mean

everbody has facial hair, some poeple's hair stands out some dont

that is just so mean i cant believe you just posted that question, go delete it because if you notice that, you dont have a life.

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