Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Facial hair on women??

hello i have some facial hair between my eyebrows and on my forehead. i am light-skinned and dark haired so it can be very prominent sometimes!! i basically pluck as much as i can off and apply foundation between my eyebrows so that this doesnt look weird. does anyone else feel that just plucking isnt enough since you can still see the hair roots? what do u women use to get rid of facial hair??

Facial hair on women??

Waxing works and doesn't cost much at all

Facial hair on women??

wax it off

plucking wont get those little hairs out that you can hardly see but you can feel.

Facial hair on women??


Facial hair on women??

try biore facial hair removing cleanser it works wonders wala no facal hair

Facial hair on women??

Have it all waxed off, no one will know but you! Forget the plucking, takes too long and doesn't last long enough.

Facial hair on women??

Hasn't anyone told you that if you pluck it rows back thicker?

try using facial hair die to lighten the hair. try nair( i think that how its spelled) facial hair remover it will stay gone longer.

Facial hair on women??

thats easy just get the hair between ur eyebrows waxed it dosent hurt at all.

Facial hair on women??

I have fair skin and dark hair......I have the same problem....I go to a salon once a month and have my eyebrows cleans up the lines and gets rid of the embarassing it doesnt hurt that bad...the first time is a little painful..but a good technician doesnt take to long to do it and it is only about 5 dollars to have it done.

Facial hair on women??

I use wax.

um, I haven't found that plucking leaves roots showing. That's never happened to me. Try wax!

I pluck the stuff inbetween my eyebrows sometimes, but I use wax on my upper lip.

good luck

Facial hair on women??

u can use threading or laser i don't advice for may cause pimples or reddness. or u can bleach

Facial hair on women??

I pluck my eyebrows like crazy; you cant see the roots til they're almost grown back (on me)... personally I dont even mess with the creams (they irritate my skin) or the bleaches (blond facial hair isn't invisible), but if you haven't tried those creams that dissolve the hair and your skin isn't sensitive, why not give it a shot. Get one made specifically for face. You could also try getting professionally waxed, but you have to let yourself get pretty fuzzy before waxing again will work (the hairs have to be a certain length for the wax to grip it). Good luck.

Facial hair on women??

I think it's a turn on.

Facial hair on women??

try this:

Removing Facial Hair through Laser

Unwanted facial hair can spoil your appearance. Hence removing them is a must. There are many ways to achieve this goal, both traditional as well as modern. Traditional methods include waxing, shaving, plucking and electrolysis. But you need to do these methods frequently as they do not destroy the hair root but just remove the hair from superficial level.

But with the arrival of laser, everything has changed. Though this treatment may seem expensive, it turns out to be economical in the end. This treatment is carried out by focusing a laser beam with low intensity on the hair follicles. This results in the destruction of hair roots but the skin surrounding it is not affected. Best of all it is painless procedure. If you experience any discomfort, you can ask for local anesthetic to prevent yourself from experiencing the pain. But in general, you can do this process without numbing yourself, as there is hardly any pain involved. Besides, it is a safe process as hardly any pain is involved.

With the laser technology becoming popular, many centers have sprung up offering this facility. Check them out thoroughly before finalizing on one. Find out if you can get the personal attention given from the specialists and whether the latest technology is used. Get recommendations from your friends who have undergone this treatment. Internet as well as yellow pages can also be a good source of information.

You will have to go a certain number of sittings for the treatment. You have to do a minimum number of sitting to get your desired results. Besides, if the area to be treated is large, you will have to pay more. Hence cost becomes the driving factor in your choice of the center. The centers with the ISO certification charge higher than the others. Besides, the quality of staff and the d鑼卌or will also play a role in deciding the price.

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