Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Facial hair on girls.?

I'm a teenage girl with facial hair and it gets really embarassing! It's not really thick but i know for a fact people can tell if they're close to me. I take after my dad (whos pretty darn hairy!) I cant stand it my mom let me bleach it but she wont let me wax it (but it just ends up looking like white facial hair than dark) becuase she thinks it will evolve into a full blow beard/stash. I told her she was being silly as long as i kept waxing it when needed. How can i let my mom know that wont happen? or will it? What is the most efective and long lasting hair remover?

Facial hair on girls.?

If your mum won't let you wax it or use electrolosis, try using Jolen. It is an applicator with cream that you mix together, and leave on your 'facial hair' for 5-10 minutes. It really works! Hope this helps

Facial hair on girls.?

You should try waxing yourself its easy...My daughter had the same problem and I couldn't use nair cuz it was too harsh on her young I tried waxing and even though it hurt for a few seconds it was great ,,I started using it myself than. It really was not a big deal and the hair grew in less thick every time...

maybe your mom thinks you're too young but she has to notice and she doesn't want to make you feel uncomfortable so she doesn't do to her if she doesn't agree go for it anyway

Facial hair on girls.?

it wont...actually the more you wax the more the hair will thin out and wont show up as much...

Facial hair on girls.?

well let me tell you sister it will ony get worse...with sex, pregnancy, ect...i recommend waxing or threading

Facial hair on girls.?

No, that won't happen.

if she won't let you wax, why don't you pluck? It will take longer, but it's very effective.

Facial hair on girls.?

LASER HAIR REMOVAL! but yeah, you're probably too young for that lol. I'm really sorry but waxing seems to be the only way; DON'T shave because then it'll be stubby when it grows out. Try convincing her in some way of getting you to wax it or get it waxed by yourself she wouldn't notice.

Facial hair on girls.?

your mom is right....waxing may cause your facial hair to grow back darker and coarser....honestly i hate to say your best bet is laser's costly but worth the meantime, there are some decent creams you can with an anesthestician at your beauty salon and maybe they could recommend one for you...good luck :-)

Facial hair on girls.?

i used to do electroisis or something on my face, basically lazer hair removal as they say.

they shaved the area and then used a lazer.

the hair took about 2 month to grow back but i had to keep doing it.

now i thread it, chances are, theres a salon near you were they wax/thread.

try it.

its effective, although painful. but no pain no gain.

Facial hair on girls.?

wax it ur self. ask her fist, and if she says no, do it anyway because its ur face and u dont like the hair

Facial hair on girls.?

She might be right - very possible. The most effective and long-lasting rx is electrolysis. Another permanent solution is laser hair removal. Good luck.

Facial hair on girls.?

i would say get permanent hair removal. if you wax it theres a chance youll be in a situation for some reason where you cant wax it then it would be all hairy. bleaching looks funny on some people it makes it look like they have a white mustache instead of a black one.

Facial hair on girls.?

What's wring with bleach, and why is your mom doing it for you? There is a special Nair just for female facial hair. Try it, and yes, if you wax it it will grow back thick and dark.

Facial hair on girls.?

your mom should know that its totally normal to wax your lip. Let her know it is kind of embarrassing to you and you will be more confident. If you wax every once in awhile, it wont grow back to a mustache!! you ll be fine, why do you think they invented lip wax??? not to make your lip print this out and show it to her if you need some convincing, its just your lip hair your waxing, its not a big deal, especially if it makes you more confident.

Facial hair on girls.?

You can explain to your parents just how uncomfortable it makes you feel and that is dragging down your self-esteem. There are some medical conditions that can cause excessive hair growth, so maybe you can ask them

to take you for a checkup. Tell your doctor that you are concerned about it and ask if there is anything you should try. There is a new cream called Vaniqa, which your doctor can prescribe, and it prevents hair growth.

Facial hair on girls.?

I totally feel your pain! I started getting facial hair when I was 15, and immediately started waxing, and using Nair. I also take after my father who is arabian, and very hairy! To make matters worse, it's jet black hair! So anyhoo, if bleaching makes it less noticable, go with that for now because as soon as you start waxing, you are going to have to keep it up permanently. I have to wax/nair every 2 days to keep it in check. When I first started, it was only once every 2 to 3 weeks! The most effective way to permanently remove hair is electrolosis. Very expensive, but as I said very effective. A doctor or dermatologist will basically shock the root, which kills it, and the hair cannot grow back. Some insurances will cover it. Anyways, do what keeps you feeling great and less self-consious, and whatever you do....DON'T SHAVE IT!!!

Facial hair on girls.?

it doesnt make it worse...but i always thought i was just hairy because i took after my dad..and just wrote it off..untill i couldnt stand it anymore went to the doctors and it turns out i have polycystic ovary syndrome could be a sign of something more should look into it....or you could just be naturally hairy...but if it gets worse with age...its def something more serious...good luck

Facial hair on girls.?

when i get crazy upper lip hair, then i shave it

Facial hair on girls.?

try waxing but if i were you i would do it prfecinally when u do it yourself eveyrthing wil proabbaly get red and gat bumps

good luk


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