Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Facial Hair Growth.?

I'm 15 yrs old, but got quite a bit of facial hair growing. I kinda sorta have a goatee but the hairs arn't very thick growing in. Does anyone know if theres a way to make facial hair grow any faster or thicker with out having to put any sort of cream or $hit on?

Facial Hair Growth.?

um, shaving

Facial Hair Growth.?

Nothing you can do but wait.

Facial Hair Growth.?

Thats right shaving will make your facial hair come out thicker.

Facial Hair Growth.?

Hair is made from protein, so try eating protein rich food like eggs, fish and reduce the stress in your daily life. More tips at

Facial Hair Growth.?

keep cutting it off it will grow back thicker in no time.

Facial Hair Growth.?

this is going to sound crazy but shave it off. when you shave your facial hair it will grow back to the same legth but thicker in just two or three days. that would definatly be the fastest way to go.

Facial Hair Growth.?

Actually it is a myth that shaving makes hair grow back thicker. If this myth were true why are there any bald guys. The color, thickness, and speed of growth are determined genetically and to some degree by nutrition. You can slice, dice, cut, dye and fry the heck out of the ends of your hair. It will not change the speed or thickness of it coming out of the hair shaft.

From the age of 15 to the early twenties hair usually becomes thicker for most people because of puberty. It reaches its peak in in those late teen and early twenties. It proably will for you as well.

Facial Hair Growth.?

Gillete Fusion Phantom....shaving...

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