Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Facial hair facts?

at wat age do teenagers get facial hair. i have alot of dark hair above my lip,below my lips, alot on theneck and chin, and black hair on my cheeks extending to my chin. its wispy, and not really long. it grows kinda fast, and i shave once a week. im 14. how much hair and how often do u guys shave

Facial hair facts?

It varies from person to person. I had to start shaving daily at 13 but was in the Navy with 18 yr olds who had never shaved!

Facial hair facts?

Every person is different. Some men never grow hair. The boys in my class (they are 15), most of them have little or no hair, but one or two have alot and they never seem to shave.

Facial hair facts?

the facial hair grows when the puberty started.

Simultaneously with the growth of pubic hair, arm pit hair. and the changing of the voice

Facial hair facts?

By the time you get out of high school you should be shaving every day. With black hair that is normal. As a matter of fact, the more you shave the more you have to shave. Just be sure you train your beard while you are young. That way you can avoid ingrown hairs.

Facial hair facts?

at least 14,15 and 16.etc

Facial hair facts?

That can depend but it is most likely start between the ages of 14-16.

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