Monday, April 16, 2012

Does facial hair grow differently on different parts of the face?

I am 16 yrs old, I shave once or twice a week, and I tried to participate in Movember last month. I noticed my facial hair under my chin grows back to full thickness (5-7mm) in about 2 days, yet it takes a month for my moustache to grow to about 3-5mm.

Also, my cheek hair and sideburns doesnt grow at ALL. Just very thin, light hair grows back very slowly.

Is this normal? Will it grow in the coming years? Or will it never grow? Very curious, really wanting the 5 o' clock look, but cant get it. Cheers for any help.

Does facial hair grow differently on different parts of the face?

Genetics my friend. Look at your male relatives, if they have facial hair. The patterns you see will likely be what's to come for you. Keep shaving, daily. Body and facial hair responds to shaving by growing, more. To answer your query directly, yes, some men (and boys) have more prominent growth on different parts of the face. For instance, I can only grow a sizable chin-beaver, yet my chops never fill in, just like my father. It is what it is. BTW, what is a 'Movember'? Good luck!

Does facial hair grow differently on different parts of the face?

Dan B your facial hair is like all hair. You may have thick hair in some areas, and hardly in in others. You have more hair follicles and thus the fullness under the chin. Our DNA is what makes our bodily make up. You may have areas where there are very few hair follicles thus less hair, or maybe no hair. All hair grows about 1/2 " a month. We have light downy hair, we have coarse hair, and we fine hair. the hair you refer to as light and grows slowly, is still the same type of hair as your bead, but receives less nourishment from the root. I am 58 and still have spots that have no hair on my chin. You are still young your testosterone levels are fluctuating, and just like many you may or may not have more growth in these areas. It is normal. Testosterone has a lot to do with the hair growth and our penis and genital sizes. It is no magical potion though and it is a very dangeroud drug. I have to use high doses of it as I lost my testicles in an accident. Thus I lost all body hair. I have had most of it come back but as you said a lot thinner in the pubic and chest area. It a funny thing because it does cause penis enlargement , with testicle enlargement if you are still going through puberty. But it is also the cause of baldness on the head, because it also rises our estrogen levels, causeing us to lose our head hair. You are one of the few on here that hasn't posted a question on the size of thier manhood. This one caught me by surprise. Good question . There is no pill, gel, or hair product that will help. Other then as I stated young man of the testosterone injections. But that would take a doctors appointment as it is a class 3 drug, and the side effects including cancer is very risky, although it does work. You would have to have a low level to get it. I really think you will find your a handsome young manly man as you are though. And be proud of what the Lord has given you! Hope i have answered your question. Oh by the way I done barbering and beautician work for years amoung other trades. They make a mens wax that has a darkening agent in it, that you can apply to the fine hairs to make them look fuller. Moustache Wax one band is called Clubman. Good luck! I leave this so you can reply if you wish. Have a very Merry Christmas filled with Happiness, Health, Wealth beyond your wildest dreams, and I'll keep it in prayer that the Lord will grace you with the hair you wish for in these areas. Have a good one!

Does facial hair grow differently on different parts of the face?

It is quite normal but it depends on heridity.and also masculine harmone

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