Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Difficult facial hair issue (on somebody else's face)--does anybody know what I should say?

OK, I already told somebody about her facial hair issues, and I even showed her the wax strip thingies I use on my stray facial hairs (hey, the Venus de Milo doesn't even have arms! Cut a goddess some slack!)

Fast forward to much later...and there's MUCH more hair and it's looking kinda scary. But I've already been over it with her. So do I bring it up again? Just send her a box of wax strips in the mail or something? Do I point out that now she REALLY needs to, uh, shave or something? I mean, I'd want somebody to tell me if I missed some hairs on my chin or whatever, but maybe she's, I dunno, committed to rockin' whatever grows, hippie style. Do I just leave it lying there since I've already said something? Or if I should bring it up again, how do I say it/show it this time?

Difficult facial hair issue (on somebody else's face)--does anybody know what I should say?

I would not bring it up again. If you don't know her well enough to know why she hasn't done any thing about it, then you don't know her well enough to comment on it.

She may be alergic to those strips, she may not care about her appearence, she may not be able to afford it, any thing could be stopping her.

You said something now let it go.

Difficult facial hair issue (on somebody else's face)--does anybody know what I should say?

if it bothers you this much, dont you think perhaps it bothers this person as well. just because you have the courage to remove your own fur coat from your face ,mrs hersuite, doesnt mean that this person is as superficial or as shallow as you are. and just maybe she doesnt care to attract people w her appearance so much as with her inner beauty.

Difficult facial hair issue (on somebody else's face)--does anybody know what I should say?

Don't bring it up again. you have already told her about it so now she must like the facial hair. it's her decision.

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