Friday, April 27, 2012

Woman with facial hair...??

I'm a girl and I have facial hair. what should I do about it?

I need help with it? and I have stubbles?

Woman with facial hair...??

this is an easy one! pluck out your hair with one of those tweezers. it'll take a while but the stubble wont be a problem anymore

Woman with facial hair...??


Woman with facial hair...??

Wax it...go to a spa place and have it waxed off...or pluck...

Woman with facial hair...??

You can wax it, bleach it or go to a beauty salon and they will use an IPL machine (intense pulse light). There are many options, but whatever you do, don't shave it - it will grow back coarser.

Woman with facial hair...??

Get laser hair removal

It'll hurt but it will be gone for a long time

Woman with facial hair...??

just leave it

Woman with facial hair...??

i definitely would not shave it. go to a salon for waxing, they will be able to advise you best how to take care of your skin at home. i have seen nair has a new facial hair remover cream, haven't tried it though.

Woman with facial hair...??

PLEASE DON'T SHAVE!!!! you will have stubble. Try that prescription stuff vaniqua. They say it works well. If not that, try that little igiti gadet that made for removing facial hair. You can find it at a beauty supply store.

Woman with facial hair...??

waxing could be an option. but it hurts really badly, and it just looks ugly after because you get two different shades of skin after. threading is better, but it hurts more. getting it lasered i think is the best. it's expensive but it doesn't really hurt. it's like someone really annoying is pinching you every second. i had facial hair and i get it lasered, and i think it was the best decision i've ever made. think about it. save up your money. =)

Woman with facial hair...??

Do NOT shave it. I repeat do Not shave it. That is the worst thing you can do. If you have the money you should really go and get it lasered because that ensures you that it won't grow back but you do have to do it a couple of times and it can be costly. But if thats out of your budget I would get it waxed.

Woman with facial hair...??

to get rid of the facial hair, you can do what my mom does, and get lazer hair removal. If you don't want that, or think that it is too expensive, try waxing, or plucking. NEVER SHAVE IT, IT WILL COME BACK IN DARKER!!!!!!! Good Luck!!!

Is there any way to grow facial hair?

Hi, I'm a guy of Native American (Bolivian) background. I'm in my late 30s and can't get any woman to be interested in me. I've been told many times I look too much like a woman. I know it's mostly because I come from a very different culture and my facial features are not like those of men in the USA (you know, facial hair, big brows, big nose, etc.).

Since it looks like I cannot change the shape of my face or my bone structure (I'm quite short and very light-boned, I'm around 130 lbs at most), I wonder if there's any way to grow some facial hair???

I'm sick of being taken as a woman in the street, too. Please someone help me.

Is there any way to grow facial hair?

Ask your doctor. They may prescribe hormones to increase facial hair. You could also try weight lifting to create a toned physique.

Is there any way to grow facial hair?

fake 'stach duh!

Is there any way to grow facial hair?

Try to start shaving your face where you want the hair to grow, they say it will eventually grow if you start shaving it. Give it a try!

Is there any way to grow facial hair?

There are many myths on how to get facial hair to grow faster; I took a cosmetology course and was taught that hair grows on it's own no matter what you do to it on the outside. My boyfriend is also Native American and he doesn't have much facial hair either. I think your best bet would be to try changing your appearance through things you can change, not hereditary things. Try updating your wardrobe.

Is there any way to grow facial hair?

To make it grow naturally, I dont know if theres any other way other than to stimulate the right hormones. Somehow, I started to grow facial hair when I was like 13. But good luck to ya.

Is there any way to grow facial hair?

rub chili on your face! trust me it works cuz it opens up your pores!

Is there any way to grow facial hair?

hit puberty

Peanut butter & growing facial hair ?

is it true ? and how do u grow facial hair with peanut butter if true ? what about peanut butter makes you grow hair ?

Peanut butter %26amp; growing facial hair ?

You should watch "The Peanut Butter Solution" An oldie but one of my favourites :)

Peanut butter %26amp; growing facial hair ?

spread it all over your pee nuts

Peanut butter %26amp; growing facial hair ?

I think someone is pulling your leg. I can't see how peanut butter would make facial hair grow - anymore than it would make hair grow on any other part of your body.

Maybe you should ask whoever told you that, to give you some evidence or proof.

Can male facial hair be removed with wax?

I don't have a lot of facial hair but it is thick where it comes in. I want to get rid of it so I don't get five oclock shadows. Can it be waxed? How much does waxing cost?

Can male facial hair be removed with wax?

Male facial hair is much coarser than on other parts of the body and much much coarser then on females' faces. Also the roots are stronger. It would be very painful for a man to have his face waxed. I write as someone who gets regular waxes elsewhere on my body and I don't find it that painful except at the instant the hair is being pulled out and even then it's quite bearable.

In short, I would say DON'T - just keep shaving!

Can male facial hair be removed with wax?

yes, it's no different than a girl's hair!!!

when i get my eyebrows done its like 5 bucks.

when i gegt my lip done also it's 15.

Can male facial hair be removed with wax?

Yesum :)

%26amp; It won't grow back for a very long time.

Maybe a week.


I get my eyebrows waxed for free

Because my grandma is a hair dresser

%26amp; I get a lot of discounts.

But it should be about 3-15 dollars :) Not too bad at all.

But 15 at the most only because thats a lot more hair than just eyebrows.

Can male facial hair be removed with wax?

it can be but dont do it , it hurts like hell

Ways to remove facial hair?

Hi, (this is a bit odd, so bear with me please).

I'm a gay guy and ever since my boyfriend asked me to be... I've become a bit "femme." I've had what I would call average facial hair for a guy, but I would like a face that's smooth like a girl's if possible. I have, of course, shaved for most of my life up until this point. I recently tried nair and it was good, but it left behind too much stubble for my tastes around my neck.

I would be very appreciative if there are any others out there who could suggest any feasible options. He is asking me for this, and I believe he completely deserves it. Also, I kind of find it nice, myself.

I would appreciate any suggestions that could give me a smooth, pretty face....

Thank you for your time.

P.S. I don't see this as the wrong place to post this, if it is, then I'm' sorry. However, it seemed relevant: if only under the tg section.

Ways to remove facial hair?

As long as your not just doing for your man (cos that'd be wrong, changing who you are only to please another.)

Sounds like you might wanna try getting some ELOS (electro optical synergy) treatments done hun, this will get rid of all those dark hairs that are giving you and your man so much trouble.

you'll need about 6 to 8 sessions to clear your face completely (yes it hurts,kind of a hot pinch for a second,but dont be a whimp, take the pain its worth it!)

the result is a beautiful face you wont have to shave......

so cool! :)

It costs a little bit but when you weight up the costs of all that other stuff you buy, and razors its actually cheaper in the long run.

I guess you could do a google search or something to find

a local around is a good idea to (then you'll understand the cost better and find a really great practitioner......good luck sweetheart! :)

Ways to remove facial hair?

Get your face waxed

Am I starting to grow facial hair?

For about 8 months now I've had peach fuzz on my face, I've shaved it 8 or 9 times, but not really needing to ( its noticable close up but not far away ) I've noticed more hair coming in, but very very slowly.. I figured after 8 months it'd be alot thicker and longer. I dono, just wondering if this means I have facial hair coming in, and its just growing very slowly.. or if I'm going to end up not getting facial hair, and just really thin "peach fuz" all the time.. help is greatly appreciated, thanks.

Am I starting to grow facial hair?

youir age youd help

you will eventually get facial hair. . .it could take til your 18 or it could take another 2 months its unpredicable but you will eventaully

Am I starting to grow facial hair?

Generaly at this time in ur life you get it, as long as you dont do anything weird to ur face and you shave often you will get a good growth Report It

Am I starting to grow facial hair?

If you keep shaving if off then there is no way for it to grow. So maybe stop shaving it and it will grow more.

Am I starting to grow facial hair?

What does your father have ? or your maternal grandfather?

It will be one of the two...

Am I starting to grow facial hair?

its part of life


I hav facial hair almost all over my face, cold wax strips is ok?pls suggest any one of indian brand

i hav facial hair almost all over my face, cold wax strips is ok?pls suggest any one of indian brands sellin cold wax strips.and after wax coolin gel..i waxed on my face few yrs ago (hot wax) but it turned out really messy i startd gettin pimple like rash and believe me it tuk 1 whole year to vanish..pls help..

I hav facial hair almost all over my face, cold wax strips is ok?pls suggest any one of indian brands sellin c

..,,++^-^v-voo\\00OO@@}{ HIJRA}{@@OO00//oov-v^-^++,,..

ask one they should know

I hav facial hair almost all over my face, cold wax strips is ok?pls suggest any one of indian brands sellin c

you should do threading

I hav facial hair almost all over my face, cold wax strips is ok?pls suggest any one of indian brands sellin c

I agree with Brittany, you should do threading and maybe try what I do, which is a combination of hot waxing, threading, with a little bit of tweezing, all done by a professional. I live in the D.C./Maryland area and there is one department store that offers the service. They have a full salon. They charge per area. I get chin, sides and under chin and it costs $30 and I only need it done once a month and sometimes every 5 weeks. I know there are Indian and Middle Eastern shops throughout New York and New Jersey that offers this service. I even found a shop in Nashville Tennessee. lol (A real woman, where there is a need there is a way). Be careful as you know all of these services can iritate your skin afterwards. I use natural raw shea butter after my beauty regimen to heal and soften my skin.

Does body hair grow differently that facial hair?

what i mean is if you shave body hair; chest, arm, pubic etc. does it grow in faster and thicker, just like facial hair does?

Does body hair grow differently that facial hair?

Yeah, I think it does because i shave my pits etc. and i had barely any hair at first (just very fine, thin, spread-out hairs) and now when it grows back in it is very thick and coarse.

Look it up... it makes an interesting scientific read...

Does body hair grow differently that facial hair?

No it doesn't...the facial hair is naturally coarser.

Does body hair grow differently that facial hair?

nope.when it grow back out,its just as thick as it was girlfriend shaved my back once and when it grew back,it was just as thick as it was before.

Does body hair grow differently that facial hair?


At What age do you start having facial hair.?

I have hair everywhere : legs, arms , underarms , scrotum , chest , *** , everywhere except facial hair.I am 15,5 years old. I have some dark hair on my upper lip and some dark soft hair at sideburns. When do you think will i have facial hair ?

At What age do you start having facial hair.?

Wait and can be any minute now! And do not wait for them so eagerly, 'coz once you have 'em and you have to wake up every morning thinking about shaving 'em you will keep wishing you never had them.

At What age do you start having facial hair.?

ask your pops what age he got his, that should tell you!

At What age do you start having facial hair.?


Does shaving your facial hair make it grows darker and thicker?

does shaving your facial hair make it grows darker and thicker? i have some light baby hair up above my upper lips, i want to shave it cuz i don't want to look like a man, but i'm affraid i will grows darker. Please help, what should i do? any remedy?

****one more question if u don't mind, how do i get red of cowflicks on my hair? no matter how much i blow dry them they still pops up

Does shaving your facial hair make it grows darker and thicker?

No, that is a myth. When you shave your hair, it doesn't become corse and thick, the only reason it looks like that is beacuse when you shave it, it begins to grow at a different angle instead of straight up and down. So that appears to be thicker with the new angle.

Solution: Buy shaving creams with hair minimizer or stub reducer, this will help the hair gro naturally once more, and appear thinner.

Does shaving your facial hair make it grows darker and thicker?

everyone says it makes it grow in thicker but I heard thats not true

I dont know if theres anything to do about cowlicks in your hair, but I guess you can try hair spray or moouse?

Does shaving your facial hair make it grows darker and thicker?

yup ur hair growz in darker every time u shave but doesnt grow in really dark right away

Does shaving your facial hair make it grows darker and thicker?

It has a lot to do with stimulating the hair follicle. Some men claim to grow a thicker beard after getting one of those classic barber shaves, when they apply the shaving cream with the thick soft puffy brush. It depend on the person. I閳ユ獡 20/F and blonde, and I grow dark hair under my arms and 閳ユ笝ther places閳? but not on my legs at all! Even though I have been shaving for I don閳ユ獩 know maybe 9 years?

Does shaving your facial hair make it grows darker and thicker?

just wax it

Does shaving your facial hair make it grows darker and thicker?

i heard that it does, bleachin the hair maybe better or waxing it.

When i thread my facial hair i tend to get small unsightly pimples is there any way to reduce this?

i have loads of facial hair on my sides and this looks unsightly cos im very fair i usually do thredding but i realized i get pimples when i thread the facial hair is there anyway to reduce this or will waxing be better

When i thread my facial hair i tend to get small unsightly pimples is there any way to reduce this?

Free beauty tips on natural and homemade methods to Acne cure

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Haircare/Dandruff/Hairloss/Hair removal/

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Makeup/Hair styles

When i thread my facial hair i tend to get small unsightly pimples is there any way to reduce this?


When i thread my facial hair i tend to get small unsightly pimples is there any way to reduce this?


When i thread my facial hair i tend to get small unsightly pimples is there any way to reduce this?

Rub ice immedietly after threading.

I have tried it. It really works

When i thread my facial hair i tend to get small unsightly pimples is there any way to reduce this?

read tips on treating acne and more on hair removal on this site

When i thread my facial hair i tend to get small unsightly pimples is there any way to reduce this?

Put a bag of frozen peas on the area immediately after. This helps the area calm down and keep reacting to the hair removal. Works great for waxing on the facial area as well.

When i thread my facial hair i tend to get small unsightly pimples is there any way to reduce this?

I read in a book that bleaching the hairs will do no harm.

When i thread my facial hair i tend to get small unsightly pimples is there any way to reduce this?


Do Hawaiian's get facial hair?

i had these action figures and the hawaiian was the only one without facial hair. or maybe its pacific islander. either way. is there a race that doesnt get facial hair.

Do Hawaiian's get facial hair?


Do Hawaiian's get facial hair?

All men and even some women get facial hair.

no exceptions.

Do Hawaiian's get facial hair?

Everyone gets some facial hair, it mostly depends on genes and not as much on race.

Do Hawaiian's get facial hair?


Do Hawaiian's get facial hair?

Your right they do not have facial hair. Do you remember seeing pictures of Cochise or other American Indian tribes? Did any of them have beards? They do not have facial hair or hair on their chest. There is certain races of people where the men do not have beards. I am not sure all Africans have beards.

Do Hawaiian's get facial hair?

Only on their faces

Do Hawaiian's get facial hair?

East Asians and Pacific Islanders normally have little body hair, compared to most Caucasians. It would be unusual for a native Hawaiian to have a beard, so to make a Hawaiian action figure with a beard would be strange! Native Americans rarely have facial hair, because of their East Asian origins and the development of characteristic traits in isolation from Asia.

What do I do about excessive coarse facial hair? HELP!!?

I am a 23 yr old woman, and I have been dealing with excessive facial hair for several years now. I have tried everything: Waxing does not remove the hair, just my skin. The chemical depilatories (Nair,Sally Hansen) don't remove all the hair and they burn my skin, causing big red spots everywhere. I tried shaving with an electric and blade razor, but it just made more hair grow, and it grew back too quickly. So I have to pluck these dark, coarse hairs (sideburns,chin,and neck) everyday, which causes ingrown hairs. I don't have the money for laser hair removal, which would probably be the best solution. Does anyone have any idea what is going on with me, and what can I do?

What do I do about excessive coarse facial hair? HELP!!?

If I were you, I would make sure your doctor checks your thyroid level to make sure you don't have an underactive thyroid. Excessive facial hair is one of the symptoms of a thyroid disorder.

I don't have excessive hair, but I am not able to wax because my skin is so sensitive. I splurged on laser treatments (from my dermatologist) several years ago, and that sure resolved my problem. An expensive, but permanent solution.

What do I do about excessive coarse facial hair? HELP!!?

Some birth control pills can slow hair growth. Since going on Yasmin I have had much less facial hair and only have to do removal techniques every few months.

What do I do about excessive coarse facial hair? HELP!!?

NEVER SHAVE!!!!! have u tried bleaching the hairs?

Cutting facial hair?

Okay im getting facial, which i dont like well because IM only 14!!!! ANyway....i have like mustache that is becoming noticable, and i have hair near my adams apple can i get it cut w/o getting razor burn?? is waxing a good idea? hell duct tape? what about the mechines they use in the barbor shop, will this give me rAzor burn??

i dont wanna shave on a daily basis or have ALot of hair on my face and stuff i dont wanna have bumps and crap i want my face 2 be smooth

Cutting facial hair?

Part of being a man! Wear it with pride. Or you can get a wax and peel like a woman. ;-) Seriously though, it's part of growing up. Be proud.

Cutting facial hair?

yeah what he said now thats the type a person i call hott!

Cutting facial hair?

waxing would be good

What is the average age for a person to grow noticable facial hair?

Im 16 and still dont have any facial hair. Every one of my peers have it. I want to grow a beard. I have no body hair but everything else in puberty came at normal. I am 5'11, my voice cracked at 13, my pubic hair came in at 12 1/2,, but i have no leg hair, no chest hair, no back hair, no arm hair, no neck hair, no shoulder hair, and no facial hair. I was wondering if I wil be able to get a decent amount of facial and body hair. Dont try to convince me about not having it because no matter what you say I will still perfer the same thing.

What is the average age for a person to grow noticable facial hair?

I believe facial hair tends to grow faster and get thicker once a guy starts to shave. You migh want to start shaving your face as if you had a beard and see if it comes in faster.

What is the average age for a person to grow noticable facial hair?

i dunno my mustache and sideburns came in when i was 12-13

What is the average age for a person to grow noticable facial hair?

oookkk you didn't really specify if your a girl of a guy but think your a guy my advice to you is glue and ur gf's hair

What is the average age for a person to grow noticable facial hair?

A lot of the guys at my high school haven't grown facial hair yet, and some have very little leg hair, so I wouldn't worry for two or three years.

The amount of facial hair on a man's face varies from individual to individual, and also between ethnic groups. For example, men from many East Asian, West African or Native American backgrounds typically have much less facial hair than those of European, Middle Eastern or South Asian descent, with Native Americans typically having little to none at all.

What is the average age for a person to grow noticable facial hair?

Well guy, I have good news and bad news.

the good, one of my friends didn't grow a stache until he was 17 and then it was thin fr a while, now at 25 he has a pretty cool beard.

The bad, My other friend never could grow hair, he's 31 now and still can't grow facial hair. his legs look like he shaves, and no matter what he's tried, nothing helps.

Me on the other hand, I'm a big hairy ape. I have hair every wher i should and a lot of places I shouldn't. try this, get a razor and start shaving every day. i grew up in a house full of women and my mother always told the girls "don't shave where you don't want black hair to grow, pluck it." so to me, a good solution is to start shaving every day to get the hair to start growing. just shave your face, if you shave your legs, at 16, someone will notice and you will get beat up.

the last thing to keep in mind is we as men all mature differently, I had a full moustashe at 12 and a beard by 14. it was thick like a man beard by 15. my friend who can't grow hair feels like less of a man when the whole face hair thing comes up, don't fall into that trap. being a man has nothing to do with face hair. being a man has everything to do with taking care of responsibility. take car man, and good luck.

What is the average age for a person to grow noticable facial hair?

I knew a guy in school who could have grown a beard who was 11 or 12. I know a man who can grow no sideburns or chin hair, lucky him, he doesn't need to shave much! Relax. Everybody's different and you'll get what you'll get when you get it! 'You can't push the river!'

Does facial hair and missed periods on a woman always mean PCOS?

I grow facial hair, and once I missed 6 periods. It was during a very stressful time in my life last year. I'm not overweight, and I don't have trouble losing it. Does anyone have this problem?

Does facial hair and missed periods on a woman always mean PCOS?

No, it doesn't. You need to see an endocrinologist. Get blood work done as soon as possible so that you can get a diagnosis. Stress causes an increase in cortisol, and your pituitary gland gets out of control, causing other glands to stop functioning.

Does facial hair and missed periods on a woman always mean PCOS?


Does facial hair and missed periods on a woman always mean PCOS?

I dont know much about it honestly as I am a man, However, I did find a website that tells about it. From what you said you might or might not. I'm not sure, I would see a doctor about it.

Here is the website about PCOS:

Does facial hair and missed periods on a woman always mean PCOS?

PCOS presents with irregular menstrual history and excess facial hair..however, the only way you can be diagnosed is with a good exam and labs and ultrasound. Please get professional advice.

Trimmed facial hair?

I usually shaved everyday in my line of work (accounting), but during the past week on my vacation, I've grown a good amount of facial hair. I want to buy a trimmer and instead of shaving trim is slightly down to an acceptable level. Does anyone know that if I did this, it wouldn't look professional at work? Any ideas?

Trimmed facial hair?

Not only would it work but it is very sexy looking

Growing Facial Hair Faster?

Just wondering if anyone has any tips on how to grow facial hair faster?

Growing Facial Hair Faster?

shave that area. and ur hair will grow like a its 100% true that if u shave ur hair will go faster.. i jus wish my hair didnt grow so much..(sad face) *sigh*

Growing Facial Hair Faster?


Growing Facial Hair Faster?

hair club for men

Growing Facial Hair Faster?

shave it?!

Growing Facial Hair Faster?

have fun

Growing Facial Hair Faster?

grow up

Growing Facial Hair Faster?


Its as simple as that.

The more you shave the more hair will grow back.

There are special creme's and lotions you can check out too but the easiest way is too shave often.

Growing Facial Hair Faster?

Shaving wont make it grow faster, it will only make it come back thicker because you cut it at a thick point when you shave, take zinc and magnesium before you go to bed, dont eat anything within 2 hours of taking it! It will boost your growth hormone production and it works synergysically with your testosterone! Oh and make sure you dont take any calcium with it, calcium grabs onto them and they wont be able to work.

Growing Facial Hair Faster?

Only time can make it happen!

Shaving has nothing to do with it. It doesn't make it grow in any faster.

Growing Facial Hair Faster?

y r u in a hury?

everthing is good at its time.

Ladies.......Facial hair on your guy do or don't?

Ladies facial hair a turn on? Do you think it's sexy or is it a turn off? If it is sexy....What's the best style to grow Goatee...full beard..handle bars etc.. etc.....

Ladies.......Facial hair on your guy do or don't?

I have always had a thing for men with full beards. Though I love Pirates of the Caribbean, don't do the braid and beads bit. I tease my husband and tell him I like his beard because it makes and excellent leash! (As I gently tug on it. LOL)

Ladies.......Facial hair on your guy do or don't?

you better believe I am naughty makes it hard at Christmas time... Santa likes that I am naughty but can't decide if it is a "nice" naughty or not. Report It

Ladies.......Facial hair on your guy do or don't?

i love facial hair on guys, not too bushy, don't grow it out like a mountain man, but the goatee and a slightly scruffy face is sexy

Has anyone ever seen eminem with facial hair? i have never seen him with facial hair, ever.?

is he the type of person that shaves like every hour of the day? or is he those kind of people who cant grow any facial hair? i have never seen him with facial hair, not even a shadow where its growing back. has anyone ever seem him with it, or even if he hasnt shaved for like a day? send pic if you can. he barely ever smiles, and this is even more rare.

Has anyone ever seen eminem with facial hair? i have never seen him with facial hair, ever.?


Has anyone ever seen eminem with facial hair? i have never seen him with facial hair, ever.?

he probably shaves every morning and doesn't have the type of facial hair that grows back quick to give a "5 o'clock shadow" Report It

Has anyone ever seen eminem with facial hair? i have never seen him with facial hair, ever.?

Maybe he could do Gillette commercials, if the rap thing doesn't work out? My guess is he keeps an electric razor handy at all times for quick touch-ups. Given that his whole Eminen persona is a self-created thing, it's no suprise that he works hard to maintain it.

Has anyone ever seen eminem with facial hair? i have never seen him with facial hair, ever.?

He can't grow it, he's a eunoch.

Has anyone ever seen eminem with facial hair? i have never seen him with facial hair, ever.?

facial hair grows on almost evryone. maybe its just that you dont notice it . . . .he rarely smiles coz he is possing a strong personality . . FYI . . .im an eminem fan!

Has anyone ever seen eminem with facial hair? i have never seen him with facial hair, ever.?

who cares? seriously, some people ask the weirdest questions. i mean, really. who in the world cares?

Has anyone ever seen eminem with facial hair? i have never seen him with facial hair, ever.?

heres a pic with eminem with something growing out his face...


Ladies: Facial Hair or clean shaven?

if so, what kind of facial hair do you like??

Ladies: Facial Hair or clean shaven?

Clean shaven. I have sensitive skin:)

Ladies: Facial Hair or clean shaven?

facial hair, chest hair, i love it. i like manly men.

Ladies: Facial Hair or clean shaven?

My first wife had facial hair.

Ladies: Facial Hair or clean shaven?

I prefer clean shaven

Ladies: Facial Hair or clean shaven?

facial tickles!

Ladies: Facial Hair or clean shaven?

I like my ladies with facial hair.

That was the question? Right?

Ladies: Facial Hair or clean shaven?

I'm still a sucker for a neatly trimmed goatee and mustache.

Ladies: Facial Hair or clean shaven?

LOL clean shaven plzzz


best of wishes to ya.!!

Ladies: Facial Hair or clean shaven?

It all just depends. Some men look great clean shaven, others look awesome with gotees.

Ladies: Facial Hair or clean shaven?

keep it clean

Ladies: Facial Hair or clean shaven?

Clean Shaven! I hate the feeling of being with Sasquatch!!

Ladies: Facial Hair or clean shaven?

Clean shaven !

Ladies: Facial Hair or clean shaven?

I like my facial hair..ands so do they ladies...

Ladies: Facial Hair or clean shaven?

CLEAN SHAVEN!! definitely!

Ladies: Facial Hair or clean shaven?

facial hair will get me going every single time....if it is well trimmed and close to the face...scraggly beards and handle bar mustaches are way TOO much hair

Ladies: Facial Hair or clean shaven?

clean shaved

Ladies: Facial Hair or clean shaven?

full beard...with mustache....prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Ladies: Facial Hair or clean shaven?

A little bit of stubble gives a sexy look, so I like that for a change.

For the most part though, clean shaven.

Ladies: Facial Hair or clean shaven?

What the first user said.

Ladies: Facial Hair or clean shaven?

Depends on the rest of the face. Facial hair: I like guys with some stubble or well looked after moustache and goatee best.

Ladies: Facial Hair or clean shaven?

i like being able to see your face

Ladies: Facial Hair or clean shaven?

scruffy beard/goatee.

i like 'em rugged.


i got so how much facial hair, i swear it looks like im a runaway ape well that was exaggerated but i got hair on the back on my neck AND UNDER MY CHIN (NECK AREA AND THIS IS A IMPORTANT PLACE I WANT TO REMOVE HAIR FROM) and upper lip basically the whole dam face except forehead. i need something that will remove it. not painfully or expensively. ive seen ppl at my age (15) that u cant even tell they had hair there. wat can i use, and i tried plucking my under chin way too many hairs, wud take ages and i plucked forehead but it doesnt seem to go there. but i really need some help with rest of it. i thought bout proffessional waxing, how much wud it cost and is it possible to do it in neckarea, near atoms box (the thing that sticks out ur throat) cause i got alot hanging there and i got alot on the sides and well im in really need of some advice i need products that r in canada and not expensive or something effective and long lastin not somethin every week


if your a should be shaving??

if a girl.. just go into your local chemist/pharmacy and ask for facial hair removal creame



I get this facial hair cream that i leave on my upper lip for like 8 minutes and then i wipe it away. It's pretty much like nair for your face. The one that i have is called Sally Hanson cream hair remover. You shoul give it a try.


wait are you a guy or a girl?


are you kidding me? WAX AND/OR SHAVE! stupid. C/O 09!

Girl Facial Hair.?

HI Im only under 16 and i have alot of facial hair. Theyre all over my face including the upper lip and the chin. Will it disappear in the next year or the future cuz im always so embarrassed to have it. im a girl in middle school and im chinese.

Girl Facial Hair.?

well, if it becomes a serious problem, i know you can get laser hair removal. but i think it's quite expensive.

Girl Facial Hair.?

Use bleach for facial hair-the generic is even good! It lightens it up and makes it less noticeable-also use face powder.

Girl Facial Hair.?

yeah it will stay with u for the rest of your life sorry to say and if its really bothering you you should get it waxed

Girl Facial Hair.?

u can use foundation, or bleach it. and if u really want u can remove it. but it will grow back faster and more black. so u might as well bleach it or use foundation.

Girl Facial Hair.?

its not going to dissaperrr!!!!!!!

are you sikoo????????????

you must shave that bad boy up..

PS put a pic up it will be good laughs!!!

Girl Facial Hair.?


get that in your head okay wax it :]

Girl Facial Hair.?

It is caused by testosterone some women naturally produce more than others. The hair doesn't go away, but there is waxing and electrolysis that will get rid of it. electrolysis it more expensive but after a few treatments it will stop growing back. Good Luck!

Girl Facial Hair.?

i want to try this panasonic facial groomer.. it's gotten really good reviews and it supposed to trim your facial hair to make it less noticeable.. i haven't got to try it but based on the reviews i would reccommend this!

Girl Facial Hair.?

have it threaded. It's better than waxing, and your face will look amazing!

Girl Facial Hair.?

No i doubt it will disapear.

You have a few choices,

1) bleach it

2) wax it

3) go into the sun, it will make it blonde

4) live with it


Embarassing facial hair begining to grow?

my facial hair is begining to appear you can't see it at the moment but when it's too long I'm gonna have to ask my parents for a razor blade. How embarassing is that

Embarassing facial hair begining to grow?

Embarrassing? No way dude, it's cool. Just be easy about it. Say to your mom... hey I want to start learning to shave, can you buy me a pack of those disposable razors and some shaving cream? Just be straight up with it. Your mom may tease you a bit, but it is all part of growing up. If she teases you gently, don't take it all hard.. just joke back. No need to make it a big thing.

Embarassing facial hair begining to grow?

LOL!! I'm with you on that one! I was so scared at first but ask someone you are close too and comfortable with to buy you one; my aunt bought me one. Me and her are really close and I don't get embarrassed.

Embarassing facial hair begining to grow?

What's so embarrassing with that? You're growing facial hair, you probably have a dad who also have facial hair.

Just take note that every guy will grow facial hair, whether its very thin which can be barely seen or thick ones.

Anyway, some girls find facial hair hot, if not you can always shave it.

It won't hurt if done properly . I don't think anyone would care if you grow facials or not.

Embarassing facial hair begining to grow?

dont sweat it.. if you have to ask ur dad for a razor.. dont be embarreessed hes been there before... but.. when it grows in a little bit jus sshave it then.. it will grow in full then.. so.. it will look nice.. i jus let it grow in all stragaly..jus shave it early

Embarassing facial hair begining to grow?

Im 15 and i bought my own razors from my corner shop lol

Embarassing facial hair begining to grow?

dont be embarassed its kinda cool. but also a major pain in the *** sometimes.

Embarassing facial hair begining to grow?

I'm not ashamed about my facial hair I actually want a goatee or something lol

Embarassing facial hair begining to grow?

its not embarassing! Just ask your mom or dad for a razor blade and ask if your dad can teach you.

Embarassing facial hair begining to grow?

hello, im 15 and I just got my razor a couple of months ago. What I did, is if you share the same shower as your dad.... put the razor in different positions (if he puts it razor up, put the razor down, change which way it points.) He will finally catch on and have to ask YOU if you want one because he will get pissy.

PS: My dad didnt ask me if I wanted on, he wanted me to put it the way he found it, I said just get me my own. So it's not the easiest solution, but it'll guide you to your razor. Good luck!

What facial hair do you like on a guy?

Beards, goatees, stubble, moustache, soul patch, sideburns? I'm a tall blond guy in my twenties (though my facial hair is a bit darker). I wear a goatee most of the time as I have a slightly weak chin (at least I can admit it!) Thinking of growing my sideburns longer, but maybe not.

What do you think looks good??

What facial hair do you like on a guy?

my favorite facial hair on a guy is the chin goatee, without the moustache, the full on goatee is ok too. i hate full beards. i had moustaches. sideburns are too weird for me. sometimes i love a guy with a little scruff!

What facial hair do you like on a guy?

My hubby has a goatee and I love it

What facial hair do you like on a guy?

moustache, goatees, sideburns

What facial hair do you like on a guy?

Depends on the guy. My bf is very good looking but when he grows a drives me nuts!! I don't like it!! Which is funny bcuz I always liked them before. I'd ask someone who knows you and what you look least you can just shave it if you don't like it.

What facial hair do you like on a guy?

Goatees, Clean stubble %26amp; a Soul Patch are my favorite...But whatever it is it has to be clean cut %26amp; not nasty...

What facial hair do you like on a guy?

The best is no hair. Smooth I prefer.

What facial hair do you like on a guy?

depends on the guy...some guys look awful in facial hair and some should put it on..

What facial hair do you like on a guy?

My fiancee has a goatee, and I think it looks great on him. I don't really like beards, and mustaches are my least favorite facial hair.

Just do what you want to do, and what you think will look best on you!

What facial hair do you like on a guy?

I love guys with goatees. Sideburns on a Greaser guy are so hot..

What facial hair do you like on a guy?

no facial hair. lol.

What facial hair do you like on a guy?

none it will make u look old and dirty

What facial hair do you like on a guy?

Goatee, shorter side burns are nice but not the long shaggy ones.

What kind of facial hair should I go for?

I have really short red hair. I'm not sure whether to grow a short beard, a goatee (with or without mustache?), or a "line beard". I'm *not* going clean shaven, so don't even suggest it, lol. That said, I just want to get just suggestions and oppinions about facial hair styles. Ya know, with my red hair and all, if a beard is gonna make me look Amish or like Chuck Norris, then I know to steer clear of those choices.

Also, I'm kind of heavy set, so keep away from anything too "pretty boy-ish".

What kind of facial hair should I go for?

I love super short beards that look like maintained stubble. Just make sure you keep it in good shape (short/trimmed and shave any excess neck hair etc.) I think it'd look nice on a redhead because it wouldn't be too overbearing/obnoxious looking (like a full ZZ Top beard) and it wouldn't be played out (like a goatee). Yay for stubble beards!

What kind of facial hair should I go for?

go for a goatee without the moustache

What kind of facial hair should I go for?

Shave off all hair on top and grow a beard

What kind of facial hair should I go for?

I've always been impartial to the neatly trimmed goatee with mustache. Your choice.

What kind of facial hair should I go for?

my boyfriend has red facial hair too. he usually has a beard that blends with his sideburns. it doesnt look good when it's too bushy, so keep it trimmed short. also, trim or shave shorter especially on your neck to avoid the amish/norris look. and line beards are tacky, just say no.

What kind of facial hair should I go for?

I currently have a line beard with a mustache. It was a goatee a while back, and I wasn't sure (like you) of what to do - so I grew a jaw line beard and I keep my goatee trimmed really close. I may shave the mustache soon.

I think a red line beard with no mustache would look pretty cool.

Mens facial hair chin strap designes?

Can I get some advice any having a clean cut Chin Strap desgine (facial hair). Tools, and pictures would be helpful thanks

Mens facial hair chin strap designes?

Your best tools are some great trimmers and a steady hand or if you don't want to do it go to a more modern barber shop cause the one's that only do crew cuts and flat tops are not gonna be able to hook you up. I looked up some pics for you but they look like most of them are personal pics of their chin straps. I punched it in my search engine and explored.

Jon B. always sported a nice chinstrap...

I prefer the Black ones...

If I shave facial hair will it grow back faster?

1- If I shave my mustache will it grow much more faster and will it appear more thicker and pointy? Its not really a mustache but just normal hair, well recently its becoming pretty visible and 2- im wondering if cutting just the half of a hair might prevent it to grow faster than shaving it, is it true?

And why is that shaving gets rid of the hair but it grows back faster then whats the point, not looking forward to waxing or extreme facial removal, im only 15.

If I shave facial hair will it grow back faster?

If you shave facial hair it will not grow back faster or thicker that's just a myth....but if you shave your facial hair then it will SEEM thicker because you have chopped off the end of the hair instead of having it pointed. So if you want your mustache to look thicker they you should shave. Good Luck!

If I shave facial hair will it grow back faster?


If I shave facial hair will it grow back faster?

Shaving will certainly make the hair seem darker and thicker. The best way to get rid of facial hair is to wax, because the hair won't grow back looking so thick. You can also try bleaching your hair, just be very careful!! They also make nair for faces.

If I shave facial hair will it grow back faster?

15 year old guys and 15 year onld girls both worry about their moustaches, the guys usually want them to grow and the girls hope they won't grow too much and wishing they wouldn't grow at all.

Shaving is the simple, effective method of removing your moustache and no, it won't grow back any faster.

If I shave facial hair will it grow back faster?

shaving helps hairs grow quickly

Help~~ facial hair remover?

like i have facial hair around my mouth and i need help on method that would work, like is Nair a good product for it or not? please help me with your suggestions

Help~~ facial hair remover?

i wouldnt do it myself , i would let someone do it for me . But if you do it nair would be an excellent product theres also a good product by Neutrogena i would use that.

Help~~ facial hair remover?

lasik surgery

Help~~ facial hair remover?

Thier is a bleach formula for arms and legs that might work. It stings for 12 min. then you take a shower. Simple enough? You could also tweeze it, wax it ,or bleach it. They have alot of product at drugstores like Rite Aid and also grocery stores. I've never tried Nair. I would probably say don't use Nair because my mom tried it once and she said it smelt really bad in the shower. Since you would be appling it to your lip ( right next to your nose) I wouldn't unless you don't mnd the smell. Well, good luck. I have the same problem, and so do other people, they must have 100's of solutions. :)

Girls...Facial hair: hot or not ?

If your answer is yes, what kind of facial hair do you like ? Moustache, goatee, beard, ...?

Girls...Facial hair: hot or not ?

i love facial hair. thats a big turn on. i love beards, gottes, mustaches are ok as long as they aren't so big and trashy looking. i love stubble and side burns a good too.

Girls...Facial hair: hot or not ?

is not Hot at all. I wish God didn't make me too hairy.

Girls...Facial hair: hot or not ?



Girls...Facial hair: hot or not ?

i like a little stubble

Girls...Facial hair: hot or not ?

no no no

Girls...Facial hair: hot or not ?

I like goatee's but it depends on the guy. Some guys look bad with them others look hot!

Girls...Facial hair: hot or not ?

On girls? Not hot

ooohhh, you meant on guys...

my hubby has a goatee, so I say HOT

Girls...Facial hair: hot or not ?

This totally depends on the guy.

Girls...Facial hair: hot or not ?

depends on the guy. i either like clean-shaven (if he looks good like that) or moustache and goatee. no wicked 80's looking beards, please. just my personal preference.

Girls...Facial hair: hot or not ?

obviously NOT!!!!

Girls...Facial hair: hot or not ?


Girls...Facial hair: hot or not ?

HoT! I like 'em rugged

Girls...Facial hair: hot or not ?


sideburns are OK

Girls...Facial hair: hot or not ?

yes but it depends... has to look good with your face...

Girls...Facial hair: hot or not ?

Absolutely a turn on for ME ! I love a trimmed beard with moustache, nothing long like over 1 inch long though!

: )

Girls...Facial hair: hot or not ?

seexxxxxxyyyyyyyyy!!! :) my b/f has a goat-t and he looks mm mm good... it's more rugged and manly ;)

Girls...Facial hair: hot or not ?

Hot- A beard that is groomed and shaped, U can't top that..

Bleaching facial hair -----H202?

I heard that Hydrogen Peroxide bleaches facial hair....does it work?

Bleaching facial hair -----H202?

It's better to get the over the counter bleach from the drug store. It works faster and if you're a brunette, H202 will turn your hair a ghastly tangerine color instead of the transparent blond you're going for.

Bleaching facial hair -----H202?

yes it does but it is best to get a kit from the chemist which is a combination on hydrogen peroxide and sulphates check out this website

Bleaching facial hair -----H202?

if you have dark hair, DONT use peroxide. it'll turn your hair ORANGE. my friend did it and i'm sure she regrets it!

Bleaching facial hair -----H202?

I wouldn't risk using Hydrogen Peroxide. Just go to Target or Wal-Mart and get some Jolen or Sally Hansen facial creme bleach. Its pretty cheap, and it works the best.

How soon will i have facial hair ?

I am 15,3 year old boy and i am pretty hairy. I got everyewhere in my body hair. I have on my legs, arms, under arms ( since i was 12 ! ) , ***, ''under there'',and recently i got some dark hair on my stomach and on my chest. I have some soft hair on my uper lip and some black but soft hair at sideburns. When do you think will I have facial hair ?

How soon will i have facial hair ?


you make no sense it says your 15 and then it says 3?

im pretty sure soon

trust me girls your age hate facial hair

How soon will i have facial hair ?


How soon will i have facial hair ?

another 2-3 years

What is the best facial hair remover for men?

I'm getting tired of shaving every day and ending up with razor bumps and burns. People think that im breaking out when its just an irritation due to shaving and im actually using those after shaves that's supposed to help with razor bumps and burns but doesn't help. Im looking into other methods for facial hair removal. What are some good over-the-counter stuff that i can get for facial hair removal?

What is the best facial hair remover for men?

have you tried the epilator,waxing or plucking?all these hurts but you won't have to do it everyday cos your hair follicles take 2 to 3 weeks to grow and you will have the clean shaven look without the black spots or the tired look on you and worry that you hair might grow out again in the evening and you have to shave again tomorrow morning...

What is the best facial hair remover for men?

Well there really isnt a Facial Hair Remover. But you could try a Electric Shaver those usually never give any types of razor burns or anything else you get from razors

What is the best facial hair remover for men?

have thought of shaving or using somekind of cream like vaniqa

How can I get more Facial Hair.?

I am 18 (almost 19) year old male and don't have much facial hair. I have some scruffyness, but it takes a few days to grow and is not complete, thick, or long. It is mostly above my upper lip, I have some on the sides, and some on my chin/neck, but it is not complete at all. My twin brother, who is also 2 inches taller than me, has a decent of hair, so I am not sure whats wrong with me. Is there anyway or anything I can do to speed up my facial hair growth, or is there something wrong with me. Everyone else my age or even younger seem to have more hair than me.

How can I get more Facial Hair.?

Dry shave if you really want it. You will regret it one day.

How can I get more Facial Hair.?

Sorry; there's nothing you can do about it.

Why not grow a goatee, if that's what you can do for now?

Or, a mustache?

How can I get more Facial Hair.?

you could shave it every day foe awhile for the skin to get used to trying to replace hair lost=my son shaved his chest so he would get more hair there=go figure eh

How can I get more Facial Hair.?

Shave your nards and get some spray-adhesive.

Seriously, some people just don't grow a thick bread that you can wear. Some people never get beyond a patchy mess. It's just the way it is. All you can do it wait. Shave. Who knows, it might kick in a little late for you.

I can only wear a goatee because I don't have but 3 hairs growing in the sideburn area and there are bald-spots right at the edge of the goatee area, where it would connect to the rest of the beard.

It's no reflection on your manhood. Just do yourself a favor, don't go growing one of the scraggly "my first beard" things just to prove you have facial hair. You never see those guys with girls under 500 lbs. ;-)

How can I get more Facial Hair.?

From what you say, there's nothing really wrong with you. Everyone's different, some men don't get facial hair at all, while there are women that have problems with that. It's mostly due to hormones. If you're really that concerned about it, go see a doctor. What a doctor might do is check your blood for hormone levels, if it's too low, s/he will probably prescribe hormones in the form of pills or a cream. For me, facial hair is a double edged sword, while it might look good with a little stubble, I hate having to shave and try not to as much as possible. It just takes too long.

Turmeric + besan for facial hair?

ive read and heard applying a paste of turmeric and besan to your face will get rid of facial hair........but is this permanent so that the hair wont come back ever and i wont have to apply the paste after?........or is it more like waxing where when the paste dries and u scrape it off the hair comes off and then itll just grow back and u have to keep applying the paste forever?

Turmeric + besan for facial hair?

It is permanent but you have to do it frequently till all hair disappears.

You apply the paste and let it dry for 10 to 15 minutes, then with wet palms in rotating movements scrub off the paste. Wet hands more if required. Do this regularly and frequently , gradually the growth will reduce and then stop. It is along process with slow result.

Turmeric + besan for facial hair?

the hair really goes off permanently

Turmeric + besan for facial hair?

Turmeric + besan paste will not only help in removing the facial hair but would also give you a clear and lighter skin.

Just add Masoor dal ( Indian red lentil) paste to your regular turmeric + besan paste to discover a hairless, flawless glowing skin.

Its a slow process but does wonder if used regularly.

apply the paste till its completely dry and ur skin feels streched, then slowly remove it by wet hands in circular motion, this will help as an exfoliator!

All the best!

My wife has facial to remove it permanently at home?

We think my wife suffers from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and of course as a lot of you may know that one of the side effects is facial hair, especially around the neckline. I know this is going to sound really bad of me being her husband, but it kind of freaks me out and bothers me lots of times.....I mean, a woman isn't supposed to have dark hair stubble on her neck! We can't afford to get professional laser surgery, and she can't get the time off to go to an Endocrynologist yet about her I was wondering if there are any at home things she can do to permanently get rid of the hair? I've heard that they make home laser/electrolysis machines now, but I don't know anything about them. Thanks for any advice!

My wife has facial to remove it permanently at home?

It's not permanent, but she can try waxing. It lasts quite a few weeks. It can be a bit painful at first until you get the hang of doing it quickly, but gets easier and less painful.

My wife has facial to remove it permanently at home?

Seems like she's low on her female hormones. She'll probably need some hormone replacement therapy to get her estrogen levels up such as a daily dose of premarin. That would definately take care of her facial hair if in case that is the problem. Don't think there are any home remedies for this.

Sally hanson facial hair remover?

will it make my hairs grow in darker and thicker and how long will it take to grow in because when i shave my legs it grows in the next day but my face hair im not to sure how long it will take to grow in if i use sally hanson facial remover

Sally hanson facial hair remover?

I've used it, everyone's different but for me the hair usually grows back after about a week. It's not darker or thicker, softer and finer (like after waxing, not stubbly like shaving). I recommend using it before bed since my skin is usually red for awhile afterwards, and you have to let the step 2 soothing cream stuff soak in anyway.

Sally hanson facial hair remover?

I use Nair face cream and it works wonders. It doesn't grow back for 2-3 weeks. You just have to maker sure you don't have an allergic reaction. ^_^

Wax for facial hair, bikini, etc.?

Can I wax my facial hair (I have some hair above my upper lip that I want to remove), also I want to wax my bikini area, or should I get a brazillian wax? Can I buy something at the store to use, or should I get a professional? What are some pros and cons to this? If you could, please provide more information...


Wax for facial hair, bikini, etc.?

Well you can wax your own lip and you could prolly do the bikini like yourself.....but for brazillian get a pro and i hope you dont mind being in very revealing positions for it.

Wax for facial hair, bikini, etc.?

I've waxed my lip with normal wax bought from the local hair store %26amp; it's very easy to do. However I would always recommend getting a Brazillian Wax done professionally the first time, especially if you have no knowledge on how to do it :)

Wax for facial hair, bikini, etc.?

Yes, you can wax your facial hair, you can buy product at Walmart, there is several brands. Since you also want to wax your bikini area, I would suggest that you go to the spa for your first bikini waxing, it will be mistake proof. Once you see the way they are doing the waxing, you might feel more confident to do it yourself. I wouldn't recommend Brazilian wax, try the bikini first, and then if you are up for more pain go for it, but definitely have a professional do it.

Wax for facial hair, bikini, etc.?

I would not recommend waxing your upper lip. eventually will will grow as dark and as think as leg hair. I worked with a lady that waxed her lip, When she didn't she has a really dark mustache. It was really gross. You can always bleach it to make it light. As for waxing your nether region, don't use nair, it's not made for that area. be forewarned, and I speak from experience, waxing in that area hurts like hell, at least it did for me the first time.

Wax for facial hair, bikini, etc.?

get brazillian wax

IDONT WANT facial hair, EVER!?

I'm thrieteen, I'm a boy, and its starting to grow, I dont ever want it, hate the whole five o clock shadow look, i dont want any facial or body hair, but its steadily coming

I shave my legs, arms, chest, pits, tush etc, and Ireally dont want face hair!

how should i avoid it.

IDONT WANT facial hair, EVER!?

Don't use nair. That's like suicide for your pores - you'll be broken out like crazy.

I'd suggest either getting it waxed or shaving it. Because you're 13, getting laser removal is nearly impossible (mostly financially) until you're older. Just hang in there for a few years then you can do whatever you'd like!

Most salons will offer all types of facial waxing. If they don't have it on the list, ask if you can get it done specially. Be prepared to pay up for a nice was though.

IDONT WANT facial hair, EVER!?

laser hair removal....

IDONT WANT facial hair, EVER!?

Dude, you shave your legs? ahahaha

Don't you know that by shaving hair, they will only grow back thicker?!

IDONT WANT facial hair, EVER!?

Shave your existence

IDONT WANT facial hair, EVER!?

get trampled by a herd of elephants

IDONT WANT facial hair, EVER!?

you shave your legs, arms, chest, armpits, and ***?

then shave your face too.

IDONT WANT facial hair, EVER!?

nair it or shave it, but don't expect girls to think a completely hairless guy is hot.

IDONT WANT facial hair, EVER!?

waxing if you wanna do that ever 4 weeks

shaving lol

laser hair removal pretty permanant

Nair or one of the other hair removal creams


IDONT WANT facial hair, EVER!?

me and you both.

IDONT WANT facial hair, EVER!?

Wow just go get a sex change, it seems like you dont want to be a boy.

IDONT WANT facial hair, EVER!?

dude i want some facial hair, im 19, and i don't have a bear yet, and i don't have hair in my body nor chest, and i have a little hair in my armpits, lol. but i like that part, cause i don't like to be hairy, and girls don't like it either, i know. ; ) so i just want hair in my face, maybe, lol. just to change my looks, but sorry ur one of those guys that will be hairy, just like my dad, lol.

IDONT WANT facial hair, EVER!?

using laser to remove the root of the hair is the only way.

IDONT WANT facial hair, EVER!?


cut your balls off so you wont produce testosterone(causes facial hair growth)

omfg that sounds painfull


thats the only way man

that or live with your 5 oklock shadow

IDONT WANT facial hair, EVER!?

You're a guy suck it up and deal with it or get a sex change.

IDONT WANT facial hair, EVER!?

Take a look at this article from Herbal Nourish it has the hair removal solution that you are looking for

Can men donate facial hair for cancer victims?

I would like to donate my facial hair for cancer victims, but I am not sure if anyone accepts facial hair because of the coarse texture. Any help with this will be very much appreciated.

Can men donate facial hair for cancer victims?

Not only can you, but you should. It is the only ethical thing to do. Best question I read all day.

Can men donate facial hair for cancer victims?

Not sure what you mean. If you are referring to donating facial hair in order to make a wig for cancer patients than you probably won't find one. The reason is because the hair must be over a certain length (ten inches) in order to be used. Hair that is shaved off or not in a braid or pony tail is not usable.

However, if you are referring to a charitable event that uses facial hair for fundraising purposes than you can read more about it in the following article:

Growing Facial Hair for Charity

Movember is a moustache growing charity that originated in New Zealand and was established to support Prostate Cancer and mens health related issues. You can find out more about Movember and how to participate no matter where you live at their website:


Multi-colored facial hair?

Is that common?

I have natural dark brown hair, but my facial hair is a combination of blonde, red, and brown (wish I had a pic but I don't). Sometimes it looks more blonde other times you can see the red in it. Is that unusual mutation or is it more common than I think?

Multi-colored facial hair?

It is more common than you think... trust me

My boyfriend has black, brown and a lot of red in his facial hair, and he has natural dark hair. All of his friends have facial hair that is a mix of blonde and red or dark and red and blonde.

I don't know why its like that but it is.

Multi-colored facial hair?

thats how my husbands facial hair is. :-) nothing to worry about.

Multi-colored facial hair?

Everyone I have ever known that wore a beard or mustache had the same thing...Nothing unusual.

Multi-colored facial hair?

It's a bit from your four grandfathers.

I am sure each one was unique.

Darker is not always dominant.

Live with it and be proud.

I have facial hair problem?

i m 18 still i dont have much facial hair specially near the temple and ear so that im not able to make good hair style.

what should i do please help

I have facial hair problem?

don't worry Hun . something will happen later on. like you sound hot as it is . like do you prefer to be smooth or hairy like a old farmer ? i bet smooth . be happy with nature and who you are !!!! luv tutyfruity x x x x

I have facial hair problem?

try the hairdresser sorry to tell u but the truth is that at your age you stopped growing hair in those areas long ago from now on u can only loose!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 good luck FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have facial hair problem?

Mr. Clean ring a bell? Go ahead its on its way sooner than later

I have facial hair problem?

When you have to shave every single day and still get a 5 o'clock shadow, you'll wish you still had this problem. :)

I have facial hair problem?

Buy a wig..Lol..unfortunately it's the way your made and there's nothing that you can do to make your hair grow.

I have facial hair problem?

just spike you hair and make it cover the bold parts. Or go to a hairdresser and get their opinion. Or there is these Products with helps your hair grow. Go into your local boots.

I have facial hair growing around my upper cheeks. Would an epilator remove them?

I have facial hair around both of my upper cheeks. These are areas where men don't usually have any hair growing (I've looked at quite a lot of pictures of people who even have beards, this region is higher than that). What I would like to know is - short of tweezing, is there anything else I can do to remove them? Would an epilator work?

I have facial hair growing around my upper cheeks. Would an epilator remove them?

electrolyze is the best way and done by a professional. it usually runs about $20 and up a visit and provide you haven't done any tweezing or creams or waxing the less visits you'll have to make. it usually takes about a couple of visits depending on your situation.

I have facial hair growing around my upper cheeks. Would an epilator remove them?

An epilator would be PAINFUL. I think your best option is to go to a salon and get it waxed.... =)

Maybe in the future, you can consider laser hair removal

Teen With facial hair?

Im a 16 yr old black male and ive been growing facial hair for a while now but what is so weird my hair starts growing on my neck!!! its very irritating because i have to cut it every 2 days but is this normal?

Teen With facial hair?

It's absolutely normal - every adult male has to deal with it. Annoying, but true! Keep shaving your neck even if you grow the rest of your facial hair. :)

Teen With facial hair?

Yeah, its very normal in fact your just going through the hormonal changes now in this stage of your life! Sooner or later you'll be having hair growing everywhere!!! Haha.

Teen With facial hair?

Everyone grows facial differently I don't grow that much. I get it above my lip, my side burns and a little on my jaw line. My brother has to shave practically everyday, he's 17, but he has been the same for a few years.

Teen With facial hair?

totally normal. the neck is ratehr hard to shave, one of those swivel razors helps.

Color of facial hair?

I asked this a few moments ago, but apparently it was confusing, for whatever reasons. Anyway, when you click the link, click download file.

What color is this?

Please be exact as you comfortably can.

It's my facial hair (yes I've shaved). I want to know if it probably comes from my Scottish, or Finnish (I've heard some Finns have "red" hair), or if it's unlike one or both.

Color of facial hair?

I would say it's a copperish red.

Color of facial hair?

i don't

Color of facial hair?

It's dirty blonde an I'm not downloading it...I will just guess.

Color of facial hair?


Will My facial hair fill out?

Im 16 and my facial hair is growing, but it has patches in between that have no hair growing. Will it start to grow propberly in time. Or is this the way it will be? also part of it is red, will it all turn red in time, or again is that the way it is. Its also very rough will it smooth out? Thanks I appreciate it.

Will My facial hair fill out?

I think it'll fill out but I'm a girl so I don't really know. I have a twin brother so I hope that makes me qualified to answer.

Will My facial hair fill out?

It all depends on genetics. You still have time for those hormones to kick in and fill it out or that may just be the way it's going to grow. Look at your father and grandfathers...what do their facial hairlines look like? Chances are yours will be similar. They say genetic baldness is linked to the mother's father. This could be true for facial hair as well. So maybe take a good look at your maternal grandfather.

Will My facial hair fill out?

It will settle and become more even as times goes. You're young yet, just give it time.

Facial Hair Grow Faster?

is there anyway to make your facial hair grow faster?

Facial Hair Grow Faster?

Massaging hair folicles will stimulate hair growth... I would also try the information at

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Will plucking facial hair cause more hairs to grow or is this a myth?

What is the kind of salong called to get rid of unwanted facial hair? How much does each session cost? will I have to go there forever?

Will plucking facial hair cause more hairs to grow or is this a myth?

I pluck mine all the time... and no extra hairs have ever grown back on me. It's a myth in every sense of the word. Experience is always the best answer.

All you really need to do (and this is what I did) is go to a salon for a waxing, splurge just a little, maybe 15$ to 30$. Any good salon should offer 'wax jobs' as a basic service. (This is a good way to go if you never have done anything to you eyebrows). If you don't like how they look , wait for them to re-grow out and have the salon re-do them. Invest in a really nice pair of tweezers, and about three times a week pluck off the the hairs that have grown in. If lip hairs bother you as well, use you tweezers on them!

Some great tweezers are from a brand called Tweezerman or check out Sephora, they have a great selection.

So in a jiffy here are your answers...

It is a myth. Any good salon. About 15$ to 30$. And no.

Hope this helps!!!

Will plucking facial hair cause more hairs to grow or is this a myth?

I'm not sure.

Will plucking facial hair cause more hairs to grow or is this a myth?

Waxing slows growth over time, if that helps

Will plucking facial hair cause more hairs to grow or is this a myth?


Will plucking facial hair cause more hairs to grow or is this a myth?

pluck away

Will plucking facial hair cause more hairs to grow or is this a myth?


Will plucking facial hair cause more hairs to grow or is this a myth?

It is a myth

Will plucking facial hair cause more hairs to grow or is this a myth?

I'm sure that's a myth.

Will plucking facial hair cause more hairs to grow or is this a myth?

laser treatment vary in price normally 60 to 100 bucks takes 6 treatments and never have to go again.

My hubby and i say its not makes it grow more thick!after son shaved his came in farker and thicker.

sorry read question wrong im tired been answering all day.

Will plucking facial hair cause more hairs to grow or is this a myth?

it's a myth. as a matter of fact I've noticed the more I pluck it the less I get!

Will plucking facial hair cause more hairs to grow or is this a myth?

God is the way the truth and the light follow Him. God loves you. Jesus died on the cross just 4 u thnx 4 listening

-- Silence Dogood

(haha i love national treasure)

Will plucking facial hair cause more hairs to grow or is this a myth?

i dont think so because when u pull it out completley the balical comes with it but shaving makes hair grow back faster

Will plucking facial hair cause more hairs to grow or is this a myth?

myth! Same with shaving your will not grow back more and darker!

Will plucking facial hair cause more hairs to grow or is this a myth?

"No, plucking does not make hair grow back thicker! it is just a common misconception that it does, because when you pluck or shave a hair, it sometimes grows back darker. This is only because that hair has not been bleached by the sun, so it looks darker, and therefore sometimes thicker."

Will plucking facial hair cause more hairs to grow or is this a myth?

Well i'm not sure about that, but i know that waxing works to slow down unwanted facial hair. It may hurt a little bit, and cost a little bit more, but it does work, and slows it down by a lot.

Hope i helped :)

Will plucking facial hair cause more hairs to grow or is this a myth?

it will just come in darker

Will plucking facial hair cause more hairs to grow or is this a myth?

it is not true

Will plucking facial hair cause more hairs to grow or is this a myth?

its a myth you genious.

Will plucking facial hair cause more hairs to grow or is this a myth?

Most salons will do waxing for about 10-15 per area.

Will plucking facial hair cause more hairs to grow or is this a myth?

It's a myth. I don't pluck it, I shave it, because shaving exfoliates the face. That's why men have younger looking faces for a longer time. They shave almost daily, removing dead skin cells in the process.

Will plucking facial hair cause more hairs to grow or is this a myth?

its true do not listen to anybosdy who tells u its not i pluck my eyebrows and it always grows back but laser haair removal help never ever grows back

Will plucking facial hair cause more hairs to grow or is this a myth?

Plucking will cause it to grow back thicker and more coarse. Waxing only thin out over time, dont even think about shaving~ The only route for permanent hair removal is electrolosis and it can be expensive

Will plucking facial hair cause more hairs to grow or is this a myth?

depends on where and how much. wax is always best!

Will plucking facial hair cause more hairs to grow or is this a myth?

well it depends on your hair growth. I would suggest waxin them instead of pluckin the facial hair. If you want to get rid of them permanently i would suggest you not to go for it. The biggest reason being that i have heard that laser does cause unwanted scars on the treated skin.

I think hair is better than scar on the face??? I m sure u will agree too. Just go for waxin hon and trust me after some time the growth will slow down or there will be no hair dependin on the hair growth again....

Take Care


Will plucking facial hair cause more hairs to grow or is this a myth?

i heard it makes less because it irritates your skin and the skin tissue under the hairs is very fragile... just like hows it takes long for a scar to heal... So ye totally myth

Will plucking facial hair cause more hairs to grow or is this a myth?


Will plucking facial hair cause more hairs to grow or is this a myth?

That is a myth. Actually some of my facial hair has stopped growing cuz I've been plucking my eyebrows for so long, they just stopped coming back...and you can get facial hair removed from any salon or's usuallyh about $10-15 to wax the eyebrows, and about the same for the upper lip. You probably will have to go for a long time before your hair just stops growing back.

There's also electrolosis and you have to do several sessions of that before the hair completely stops coming back. Not sure about the price but I'm sure you could find out if you google it.

Will plucking facial hair cause more hairs to grow or is this a myth?

Well i know that waxing slows down the growing process, and plucking is basically the same thing, pulling out the hair follicle from the root. You should be good to go, pluck away my friend, no one likes a hairy face, unless it's a beard of course.

Will plucking facial hair cause more hairs to grow or is this a myth?

when the hair follicles are pulled out, it causes the ones that are still under your skin to get thicker.

so when the hair grows out again, it'll get thicker.

i recommend that you just leave facial hair alone.

plucking the hair is like waxing it, so the hair will grow out slower and thinner than if you shave it. but still, it'll be thicker than natural.

if you want to disguise the hair, try hair bleach.


Will plucking facial hair cause more hairs to grow or is this a myth?

It's a myth, waxing will slow the growth over time. The cost depends on how much hair you want removed ( much of your face) and also where you go as it can vary from salon to salon.

Will plucking facial hair cause more hairs to grow or is this a myth?

I pluck because I only have a few problem hairs. I am worried about waxing and having even more problem hairs return in exchange for the soft blonde hairs. I have found out I must apply an antibiotic (clindamycin) solution after or I will result in a pimple everywhere I plucked which is whole new problem .

How can I get mor Facial Hair?

I am 18 (almost 19) year old male and don't have much facial hair. I have some scruffyness, but it takes a few days to grow and is not complete, thick, or long. It is mostly above my upper lip, I have some on the sides, and some on my chin/neck, but it is not complete at all and I cannot grow any coherent style. My twin brother, who is also 2 inches taller than me, has a decent of hair, so I am not sure whats wrong with me. I just went to the doctor a few months ago and I was told I my hormones were normal and I was in tanner stage 4, whatever that means. Is there anything I can do to speed up my facial hair growth, or is there something wrong with me. I doubt shaving a lot works, I think it is just a myth. I have taken some presciption meds for a few years for various mental issues but I am not sure if that could be affecting it. Everyone else my age or even younger seem to have more hair than me.

How can I get mor Facial Hair?

There is nothing you can do, dude.

Some men have very few hairs, others look a bit like their gorrilla mothers. It's all genetic.

There is a perception that shaving makes hair grow faster, but I think it is not a fact.

I've been shaving for a long time now and I have a terrible beard if I let it grow because theer are patches of skin on my face with no hair, where hair should be, and other patches with thick bristle.

You just have to play the cards you are dealt.

How can I get mor Facial Hair?

Shave more often. Even if there is no hair there. the more you shve the hair the thicker it comes back in. It worked for me :)

How can I get mor Facial Hair?

dude shaving more often does do it trust me

I got a job were it has to be clean cut all the time

and it use to never grow, now its crazy

be happy, dont worry about it

Im normal, and mine wasnt as thick as others,

I got mad, now Im mad that I have to shave it

Does Facial + Body hair periodically replace itself?

I know that's how the hair on your head works.

Does body and facial hair also naturally fall out and replace itself?

Does Facial + Body hair periodically replace itself?

Head hair falls out and then grows back but obviouslt not all at once for we'd all be walking around bald at times-since we want to keep as much head hair the less we damage-never Brush but comb wet hair and the less heat and chemicals we use the healthier the hair will be. Body hair does NOT renw itself like head hair-once in awhile you'll see a lash or a errant hair in the nether region but one doesn't see loose body hair laying around-why women bleach or use electrolysis for unwanted facial hair and we shave or wax our legs. But once the root is damaged or destroyed then the hair follicle is dead and won't come back(like in electrolysis)

Does Facial + Body hair periodically replace itself?

Yep. All hair folicles have a normal growth cycle.

Does Facial + Body hair periodically replace itself?

yes all the hair on your body functions the same as the hairs on your head.

Does Facial + Body hair periodically replace itself?

Yes, all the time.

Does Facial + Body hair periodically replace itself?

yes its the same

Does Facial + Body hair periodically replace itself?

all hair falls out %26amp; is replaced

Does Facial + Body hair periodically replace itself?

yup so keep shaving

Facial hair?is this Normal?

I am 13 and a half and I have facial hair(mustache and a small beard and bakenbardy) and people tell me that I look like I am 18 years old.Is this normal?They even offer me alcohol, because they think that I am old enough.Is this Normal?

Facial hair?is this Normal?

Of course it's normal! Teenage boys develop facial fair it's a part of life. Some boys develop it sooner then others but your almost 14 so I would say your just fine.

From a women's point of view, nothing looks weirder then teenage mustache/beard and I wouldn't think the girls in your class are fond of it. Give it a shave

Facial hair?is this Normal?

Actually facial / bleach make skin hard and it look mature due to it's hole which will be competitively big through facial and bleech.

Facial hair?is this Normal?

Facial hair at 13 is quite normal, even more noticeable if you are dark haired. Facial hair certainly makes a person look older, so if you are tall or stocky for your age the mistake would be quite normal.

My a razor :-)

Facial hair?is this Normal?

its normal, don't do anything to control,

for hair care and skin care just step into

Facial hair?is this Normal?

well dude,uve been lucky to have such a thing this early.

u can wear different types of mustache and beard at early ages that boys dream about that.and u can attract a lot of ladies by ur style,so enjoy urself !!

Facial hair?is this Normal?

It is perfectly normal, dont worry.

Poll : ladies, do you think facial hair between the bottom lip and the chin is an attractive look on

This may be "too much info" for some of you, but just to clarify the look I am talking about I believe that it is jokingly referred to as a "flavor saver" by some guys with less refined table manners as this facial hair would retain food particles upon careless consumption of a sloppy meal.

Also if you need visual illustration of what I am talking about, here is a JPG link where the facial hair can be observed on former Oakland A's (and current Atlanta Braves) pitcher Tim Hudson, although please consider not whether you find the man attractive but simply whether facial hair in this area is either appealing or unappealing :

Thanks for your opinion and additional comments if you have any further explanation of why you do and don't like the look!

Poll : ladies, do you think facial hair between the bottom lip and the chin is an attractive look on men?


Alot of times, when men do not groom it properly, food and such gets in it.


But, if the man does keep it clean and neat, it can look very nice.

Poll : ladies, do you think facial hair between the bottom lip and the chin is an attractive look on men?

personally, i don't like it. it looks a bit odd

Poll : ladies, do you think facial hair between the bottom lip and the chin is an attractive look on men?

LOL nooooooooouuuuuu

i like clean-shaved.

Poll : ladies, do you think facial hair between the bottom lip and the chin is an attractive look on men?


Poll : ladies, do you think facial hair between the bottom lip and the chin is an attractive look on men?

personally, i think it looks totally gross.

the best is this:

or clean shaven.

Poll : ladies, do you think facial hair between the bottom lip and the chin is an attractive look on men?

Jeez. I'm outnumbered. I like it, especially if it's a bit shorter. My hubby and I call his a soul patch, but he's grown his out into a billy goat with a fu-manchu. I like it.

Poll : ladies, do you think facial hair between the bottom lip and the chin is an attractive look on men?

nooo i hate that kind of facial hair.. it looks dirty

Poll : ladies, do you think facial hair between the bottom lip and the chin is an attractive look on men?

I think its to long and pointy but a soulpatch wouldn't be too bad I like those they remind me of artist. If you do really want that sort of facial hair I would recommend you have it shorter and not as pointy.You really should be asking your girlfriend since shes with you and has to look at it everyday.

Facial hair help(treading)?

any sites you know about how to tread your OWN facial hair???????

Facial hair help(treading)?

Do you mean thread??..if you do heres a video it shows you how to do it...i plan to teach myself to...LOL

to the person below me who said dont try it yourself...dont listen to them can try it yourself...its not like its expensive its ******* thread...and you cant hurt yourself with thread what are you going to do slit your skin open with thread????....god just try it on your own the video shows how to do it perfectly...just dont do it really fast or hard...feel it out slowly at first....

Facial hair help(treading)?

Pl. don't try your self. Visit some parlors and see how they do it Then you can try at home.